'really sorry to hear that your dog was hurt. You did the right thing in not jumping the guy, IMO. It wasn't something the guy did intentionally. Although the guy did an ignorant, stupid thing. It can't be taken back, but it sounds like he'll remember this forever and likely not make the same foolish error in shooting before he ID's his target.

I always thought the same thing. Now I can't understand why I didn't do this sooner. I just came back from vacation. My good friend from airplanes, horses, and hunting (and the dark years of drinking) took my pup for 1 1/2 weeks and loved having her. I trust him with my life and now my pup.

I think the biggest problem in hunting my quail spot is being quick enough to get a shot off before they disappear behind a bush or over the hillcrest. Range is usually not a big factor, but a full or mod choked second barrel has helped on occasion.