I would point out his original question was about Gambel quail. These are not comparable to Bob Whites, anything pen raised or grouse/woodcock. Nor are the shots comparable to birds shot close in heavy cover over dogs. Most Gambles will run and flush at 20 yds plus, just over the top of some creosote bush or jojoba, fly 100 yds and then hit the ground running. Later in the season it is not unusual for larger coveys to flush at 100yds or more and change zip codes. Anyone using a small load of shot had better be quite disciplined at passing up most of the flushes as beyond the range of a small .410 load.

For the toughest shooting you may ever attempt, hunt them on the steep slopes just below the cliffs. They will come straight down hill at incredibly steep angles just above the vegetation/rocks, pass within a few yards of the gunners lower on the slopes at speeds that make chukar and teal envious. I hope someday to hit one of those if ever I see it coming before it is level with me so I can get the gun accelerated enough to track it.