
You need to put those photos up on a photo hosting site like Flickr.com or Hunt101.com
From there, you then need to link them to your forum posts.
This takes the burden of file storage off of this site's owner, and to out to the servers of photo hosting sites.

Both Flickr.com and Hunt101.com are free.

When making a reply to a post, instead of using the quick reply box at the bottom of the screen, click the little 'reply' button on the bottom post (or any post for that matter) in the thread you want to reply to.

From there you'll be taken to a reply message screen.
There are buttons in that screen which will allow you to do stuff.
One of them is for posting photos.
Clicking the 'post a photo' button will cause a small box to emerge on your screen, where you will be able to paste the URL of your hosted photos that you've uploaded to your photo hosting site.

There will be directions on your photo hosting site that will direct you to the right URL to copy, then paste here in your post reply page.

Following me so far?

Go start a free photo hosting account at Flickr.com or Hunt101.com
Upload your photos there, and see if you can make it through the other steps.
If that doesn't work out, we'll try to steer you in the right direction when the time comes.

Off you go now... Start your new photo hosting account!
