By far, most are drillings with 3 barrels. Drillings can be terrific guns and practical. But like most things in life, it is a matter of personal preference and taste. Some people think they are silly.
I love how they look, and how they function. And just as the double barrel has many advantages, a drilling has many advantages. Just one being---you are hunting deer and a few turkeys show up, and you cannot risk opening the gun, making the noise or taking the time to change ammo. With a drilling you have 3 immediate, soundless options.
Here is a website where you can see many pictures-- think the ideal setup would be a side by side 9.3x74R over a 12 gauge smoothie. Or a 12 gauge side by side over a 9.3x74R.
The ones I have handled had perfect weight and pointed very well. I would happily hunt with any I've had the pleasure of handling.