Anyone know anything about this maker? Syrena of Liege.
Stumbled upon a sideplated boxlock with lovely highly figured honey and smoke stock, oak-adorned liegeious fences, and seems to have been crafted with attention to detail. The engraving on the sideplates seemed quite unremarkable, however, dare I say I wish they’d let it be rather than ruining a perfectly good canvas! Low 4 digit SN#.
All I was able to find on it was a catalog on eBay someone wanted $200 for (in Polish?) FWIW it looked almost identical to a Francotte catalog I have here that’s in French that covered their local offerings (which are very different from the line of guns Francottes that VL&D/A, A&F imported to the US), but I compared and the patterns were all slightly different but just about identical in style; however most lacked the greener cross bolt and side clips so common of US-imported Francottes from before the War.
Syrena of Liege