Yes Herb Parsons. A real nice fellow, to a kid who was amazed with what he did with a gun, be it a .22 or a shotgun. I was very young back then but he seemed to hit everything he shot at. I was blessed in my father knew a wide range of people. Once met John Unitas on a fishing trip my father took him and his offensive line on. Or later Artie Donovan and three other Colt defensive players on another fishing trip off Ocean City Maryland. When you are a kid, those men were massive men, who you just were in awe of.
You are a fortunate man. What I wouldn't have given to meet Herb, even though I wouldn't have had a clue what to say to him. And it's so good to hear he was actually the nice guy he seemed to be. I've never been a hero worshipper, but there were people in the outdoor fields I looked at as role models, it's always good to find out they deserved respect and weren't lowlifes.
I'm guessing you didn't know him very well, but you did get to see him shoot, maybe have an interesting story? I have Showman Shooter on DVD and he was amazing. I'm envious of you.