I only use BP shells in my breechloading sxs for all my upland game and have done so for the past 15 years. I did try my percussion gun on one shoot but my fellow hunters got impatient with the time it took to reload and I haven't used it since. Interestingly, I was invited to shoot wild pheasants and sharptail grouse this past fall and on the second day my inviter requested I use modern shells because he thought I was under gunned. A quick explanation telling him I was using 1 1/8oz shot and 3.5 drams BP for a muzzle velocity of 1200fps put all back to order. He was using a 28ga and I jokingly told him I over gunned him.

Interesting in the video to see a good variety of dog breeds and at 15:15 into the video to see a fleeting glimpse of a fellow using a single barrel fowler.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.