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Originally Posted by Lawrence Kotchek
overturning Rowe by the supreme court killed the Republicans in the mid-terms and it might in the next election as well. Most of the country is some version of centrist and pro-choice and it rallied the Dems and more importantly the middle

Not saying you are wrong, but, it seems to me the red states got redder, and the blue states got bluer. It appears the house and the senate will be republican controlled, which, should limit how much gets done, or spent.

This is a good thing. States that take a week to count votes, not such a good thing.


1 member likes this: Stanton Hillis
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Hillis and Roberts as political analysts. No wonder the Republicans are fooked.


Let’s go Brandon!


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Originally Posted by lonesome roads
Hillis and Roberts as political analysts. No wonder the Republicans are fooked.


Let’s go Brandon!


Hi Louie!
You still driving the cab in the morning?


Stay out of Del Ray. Well, except when you drive home, anyway.

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Originally Posted by lonesome roads
Hillis and Roberts as political analysts. No wonder the Republicans are fooked.


Let’s go Brandon!

So satisfying knowing Stan and I get under your Democrat skin.

Be strong, be of good courage.
God bless America, long live the Republic.
2 members like this: Stanton Hillis, Ted Schefelbein
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It's hard to believe, but many Democrats seem more determined to preserve their perceived, but imaginary, Federal Right to Kill Unborn Babies than Democrat gun owners are determined to preserve an actual Constitutional 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Otherwise, we wouldn't see so many of them making lame excuses for supporting anti-gun Democrat politicians.

I kinda blame Republicans for "seeming" to do so poorly when we have had nothing but failures in the last two years of Democrat control. The combination of high inflation, high energy prices, the disastrous military loss in Afghanistan, untold millions of illegals invading an open Southern Border, huge 401-K and investment losses, increasing mortgage rates, ongoing supply chain problems, drug overdose deaths over 100,000 per year, LGBTQ sexual perversions becoming normalized, and much more Leftist insanity would have ensured Republicans enjoying a massive Red Wave in the past. Compared to other bad administrations such as Jimmy Carter, this Midterm Election should have been a Red Tsunami. But allowing the Leftist Democrats to get away with an absurd two-plus month election season instead of a single Election Day with limited absentee ballots has made cheating and fraud much more feasible. And if you dare to question how a racist like Biden could possibly get more black votes than Obama, then they tar you as an election denier who blindly believes Trump lies. But strangely, only Republicans and Conservatives are called Election Deniers. When Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams and all the rest cry foul if Democrats lose, we are not supposed to notice their lack of faith in the Election System. If you haven't seen the movie 2000 Mules to see some of the crap that went on in the 2020 Election, you need to make the time to do so ASAP. Here's a couple options:



We need strong Voter I.D. Laws. We need more people getting involved in demanding a paper trail for every verified ballot. We need more Election observers. We need to get back to a single Election Day without unfettered absentee ballots and unsecured Ballot Drop Boxes. With the technology we have now, every Polling Place should be subject to round the clock recorded webcam video monitoring of the entire voting and counting process... available to anyone and everyone on the internet. If those things would happen, the so-called "leftward drift" would magically disappear... which is why Democrats are 100% against any real election security measures. This should flush some Libtard birds out of the weeds.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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well, if anyone here really thinks whats gonna appen in jawja is gonna make ah difference...day aint been payin attention for the last twenty years or so...

fact is, half the country wants the gubmint to take care of them and half say no thanks...jes leave me alone and i will take care of myself, thank you very much...

sadly, the desire to give up some freedoms and independence for limited security and something for nothing is strong and very tempting...we learn it as children...

sort of like how wild cattle were first domesticated.. make erm feel secure and give erm free food...then build a fence around erm and begin selective breeding for

milk and meat...

and of course, cull those who resist...

what has happened to the jan 6th protestors is the beginning of a political culling process...

Last edited by ed good; 11/12/22 01:11 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...
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Most of us would probably judge Newt as a pretty astute political type. I see he’s out this morning saying, “I’ve never been as wrong as I was this year.” “It makes me challenge every model I’m aware of, and realize that I have to really stop and spend a good bit of time thinking and trying to put it all together.” He thought, as did leaders on both sides, that inflation and crime and the border would swing elections coast to coast. They didn’t.

To me the factors already mentioned all played a part in the outcomes. The one that shocked me, though, was the impact of abortion. The evening after the election I saw a Democratic analyst state that single American women, regardless of party affiliation, broke +37 points for the pro choice/pro abortion candidate. The next day I spoke with a good friend who’s single and he said that didn’t surprise him at all. All the women he knows are concerned about crime and the economy but the single most important issue to them is having a means to have their babies killed if they choose.

As for trading freedom for security, Mr. Franklin already “nailed” that one.
“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben Franklin

And as for seeing bigger government as the answer,
“A government that is big enough to give you anything you want is big enough to take everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson

On reflection, I see I don’t really know and understand the majority of Americans like I thought I did.

Speude Bradeos
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Originally Posted by FallCreekFan
Most of us would probably judge Newt as a pretty astute political type. I see he’s out this morning saying, “I’ve never been as wrong as I was this year.” “It makes me challenge every model I’m aware of, and realize that I have to really stop and spend a good bit of time thinking and trying to put it all together.” He thought, as did leaders on both sides, that inflation and crime and the border would swing elections coast to coast. They didn’t.

To me the factors already mentioned all played a part in the outcomes. The one that shocked me, though, was the impact of abortion. The evening after the election I saw a Democratic analyst state that single American women, regardless of party affiliation, broke +37 points for the pro choice/pro abortion candidate. The next day I spoke with a good friend who’s single and he said that didn’t surprise him at all. All the women he knows are concerned about crime and the economy but the single most important issue to them is having a means to have their babies killed if they choose.

As for trading freedom for security, Mr. Franklin already “nailed” that one.
“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben Franklin

And as for seeing bigger government as the answer,
“A government that is big enough to give you anything you want is big enough to take everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson

On reflection, I see I don’t really know and understand the majority of Americans like I thought I did.

The schools have been conquered by the left. It happened over the last 50 years. The public schools became Godless, soulless empires of the teachers unions, that drove the dumbing down and results free end result of a “free” public education. That is how people today consider having the “right” to kill their spawn more significant than the economic reality of an inflation rate of 10%, year over year, that if it continues will render their future wages irrelevant.

You got what you paid for.

I was in 7th grade in 1973, in a social studies class that had a pair of lunatic leftists team teaching two classes. I clearly remember the indoctrination of how the pilgrims practiced communism upon their arrival, and what a wonderful and benevolent system it was. My Dad took the time to read my notes, and pointed out that the system of communism was very quickly abandoned after it was discovered that some people on the frontier would allow others to produce for them, up to the point of death. The system that replaced what they started with looked very much like a capitalist endeavor as we know it, and the leadership quickly realized it was working vastly better than what had been in place.

The teachers never mentioned that. When I did, supported by data from the Junior High School library, I got an hour of principle’s detention over it.

My public school education was NOT the education my Father received at St. Paul Mechanic Arts High School, circa 1948. Nobody I know would try to argue that fact, but, they are oddly accepting of it, for some reason.

I pulled my kid out of the public schools and started him in a private, Catholic High School (Thanks, Lloyd for leading by example). We aren’t Catholic. But, my kid is now an A student at a school with a solid reputation for excellence and a wonderful grasp of college prep.

You younger guys with kids, just a few of you, here, I know, had better give this some clear eyed thought. What passes for education in the public school system, today, in the United States, is considered incomplete and unacceptable in most of the third world.


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We put both our boys through 13 years of private school, before higher education. Not Catholic school, but a private school run by a board of elected directors. We did it by hard work and frugality, not with inherited "old money". That school has always been open to any race, creed or color. But, it is Christian based, and it ain't cheap. We sacrificed an awful lot, monetarily, to do that. The first year our oldest son was in college it cost us more to keep the younger son in private school than it did to keep the oldest in college. But, we were secure in knowing that our boys were being taught by people who had their best interest at heart, not some political agenda, at least through high school. Most of the teachers gave up higher paying teaching jobs in the public schools to teach there, because they believed in it. Prayer has always been in the classroom there. Lest I be misunderstood, let me be perfectly clear on one thing ......... I don't regret it and would do it all over again. Some things are more important than money. It's just a shame it ever came to this.

Some 10 years ago, or so, news pundits of all persuasions were decrying the fact that our nation had gotten too polarized, as if it were a terrible thing. The assumption was that both sides were somehow to blame for this. I sorted through it very quickly and determined that polarization of our nation is a normal occurrence when one side becomes more and more radical in their platform beliefs. The conservative right always believed in freedom of religion, they (we) didn't change. They (we) always believed in the right of life for the unborn child, we didn't change. We always believed in limiting the power of the federal government, and in state's rights, we didn't change. We always believed that the Second Amendment wasn't negotiable, that it meant what it said and was/is the basis for freedom as opposed to tyranny, we didn't change. Polarization, at this point, is the only hope for our nation's survival, IMO. If the conservative, constitutionalist right compromises and moves left, so that we aren't "so polarized", all hope is lost. We must stand our ground and never, ever give an inch. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Holy Bible are our standards, and they can never be allowed to be compromised.

May God bless America and those who defend her.
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