I couldn't find the rules for Monte Carlo, but at least in the 1880s, before the platform and new ring were built, with an only 21 yard boundary and short fence, it was 5 birds at 26 meters and 7 birds at 27 meters
https://digital.la84.org/digital/collection/p17103coll17/id/51484/rec/2 1890 American Shooting Association Rules
https://archive.org/stream/fieldcovertrapsh01boga#page/458/mode/2up No limit on powder
In single bird (
target) shooting the rise shall be:
Eighteen yards for ten-bore guns; limit 1 1/4 oz.
Sixteen yards for twelve-bore guns; limit 1 1/8 oz.
Fourteen yards for fourteen and sixteen bore guns; limit 1 oz.
Thirteen yards for twenty-bore guns; limit 7/8 oz.
Rules for
Live Bird Shooting - same load limitations
The rise shall be:
Thirty yards for ten-bore guns.
Twenty-eight yards for twelve-bore guns.
Twenty-six yards for fourteen and sixteen bore guns.
Twenty-five yards for twenty-bore guns.
The Art of Wing Shooting: A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Shotgun, William Bruce Leffingwell, 1895
“Rules for Live Bird Shooting”
https://books.google.com/books?id=e34EmE3tkfkC&pg=PA177&vq Notting Hill Boundary 65 yd
Hurlingham Boundary 90 yd