Neville Chamberlain who served as Britain's Prime Minister publicly declared that he believed that Adolf Hitler was a reasonable person who they could deal with and compromise.
He met with Hitler in Germany and returned with Hitler's assurances that he had no further interests in occupying additional territory.
Chamberlain returned to Great Britain announcing there will be "Peace in Our Time". Hitler proceeded to break every promise he made Chamberlain and a much stronger Germany started WW II.
I don't trust Obama or his minions any more than I believe Hitler could be trusted. The ONLY reason he wasn't severely criticized at that time was he controlled the new media in Germany much as Obama and the socialists control most of the news media here today.
If a conservative had pulled a small part of what the Obama Administration has pulled so far the "mainstream news media" would be calling for impeachment.
As of yet Obama can continue to lie with impunity due to a large segment of our population being unaware of this fact.
And contrary to the B.S you've been fed over the years Hitler was a socialist and the NAZI movement itself was socialist inspired. Hitler considered the communists their greatest adversary because the movements were similar and they appealed to the same type of people. The NAZI's and Hitler were not some kind of right wing conservative entity that some factions here would have you believe. Keep in mind that after becoming Fuher Hitler dissolved the Reichstag which was the German equivalent to our Congress and they never met again until after the war. Obama has attempted to do the same by ignoring Congress and issuing "Executive" orders.

My whole point in starting this thread was to show Alinsky for what he really is and that's a radical leftist bent on destroying the United States and all it stands for. At this time I believe it's "Mission Accomplished"

Last edited by italiansxs; 03/12/14 10:49 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.