For most shooters, brand name is a first learning; example of first learning (in this case called imprinting) - the first thing baby goose sees move is accepted as "momma" and nothing is going to change baby goose's mind. Most shooters have only a vague idea of brand value, original quality, or current condition. Therefore, left to their own devices, they will depend on brand name as a shortcut indicator of value. "Did Mortimer Snerd make good guns?" is exactly such a question. The shooter has heard (first learning) of Mortimer Snerd - Gunmaker and seeks confirmation that all he has to look for is the Snerd marque. Now, Snerd supplied whatever the market would fork over money for - best work London pattern SLE to colonial/farmer grade BLNE. The hazard to the buyer is that he pays the price of a high original quality grade in high current condition and gets a low OQ grade in low CC - - - after all, it is a Snerd and EVERYONE knows Snerd made good guns!