All of the Smiths I own have flat-topped checkering, even the 1949 one. This has pointed checkering suggesting a re-finish to me, but someone who knows the guns better will chime in with a definitive answer.
From the factory L.C. Smith Field Grade guns had flat top checkering usually, but could be ordered with higher grade wood and checkering and often were, upgraded guns will Cody factory letter as such......from the Hunter Arms factory the Ideal Grade, Trap Grade and up in grade all had pointed checkering and more lines per inch........
When Marlin started manufacturing L.C.'s in 1946 the styles and patterns were all over the anybody's guess......
I have a nice Field Grade lettered 16 ga. from 1931 with special order wood and 22 LPI pointed checkering....
if you had the money, they had the time, like anything else......
The gun above appears to me to be Faux colored with cold blue and a cannister propane torch, that is why it looks blued/blacked at different light angles......?......Nasty indeed whatever they did to it........
Factory flat top checkering Field Grade 1926 .....
Factory pointed checkering Trap Grade 1914 ....
Factory pointed checkering Ideal Grade 1923 ....