Thought some of you might find this interesting for the spotlight it shines on Montana 'politiks'. Gary Marbut is the current president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association and a vigilant defender of our shooting rights.
I'm certain Komrade Deeble will be along shortly to disparage Mr. Marbut and his remarks.......but here you have it......we are not done with this issue yet.
Rob Harris
P.S. 'Thanks' to MT_DD_FAN for the many informational they're much appreciated.
From: "Gary Marbut-MSSA" <>
To: <>
Subject: Lead shot ban narrowly defeated - report
Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010 10:54 AM
Dear MSSA Friends,
You may have read or heard that the FWP Commission turned back the FWP Department's proposed lead shot ban for upland game bird hunting on a narrow 3-2 vote.
The Missoulian/Lee Bureau story is located
From the story: "Fish, Wildlife and Parks Director Joe Maurier suggested looking at such a ban in certain areas in Montana after returning from a conference of wildlife managers."
You may remember that Maurier has little experience in Montana and maybe little or no experience hunting, and was hired primarily because he was Governor Schweitzer's college roommate and buddy. Apparently Joe heard about this California-style idea at a conference of western F&G directors and thought it would be California-groovy to run it in Montana.
As you probably know, there was no scientific basis offered for the lead ban, and little or no consideration of unintended consequences.
However, encouraged by the narrow vote, Maurier expressed intent to attempt the ban again. And, somebody who attended this meeting of the F&G Commission told me that the strong public comment against the ban was largely discounted and dismissed when the ban was presented.
Of the seven people primarily responsible for setting FWP policy, the five members of the Commission plus the Department Director and Deputy Director, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that none of them are hunters, especially big game hunters. And, remember, they are all appointed by Governor Schweitzer.
Bottom line: Expect the lead ban proposal to be proposed again with enough new justification to attempt to peel off one more vote on the Commission. And, expect a bill in the next session of the legislature to prohibit FWP from regulating ammunition for hunting.
Thanks to Commission Chairman Shane Colton of Billings for making the motion to dump the lead ban proposal.
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
http://www.mtssa.orgauthor, Gun Laws of Montana
Last edited by Robt. Harris; 02/14/10 12:35 PM.