My immediate reaction is this is just further proof that the Liberal Left is once again doing exactly what they promised would never happen.
Whenever they continue their march toward gradually eliminating guns, they always promise that it is just "Common Sense Gun Control" aimed only at military style semi-automatics and high capacity handguns and magazines. They always say they respect gun ownership and that their new laws will not encroach upon gun ownership or hunting or recreational shooting.
Then they always come back for more. They push for lead ammunition bans, based upon biased and highly suspect "Science" that comes from the agenda driven Left and anti-hunting organizations. They do this to make ammo less affordable, and succeed in driving away a few more shooters. They successfully divide and conquer the ranks of shooters by showing heart wrenching pictures and flawed data about poor sick ducks and raptors. They use every mass shooting perpetrated by the mentally ill people they keep on the streets, to whittle away at the types of guns and ammo law abiding citizens may hang on to for a little while longer. They violate pro-2nd Amendment Supreme Court rulings like Heller and McDonald, and ignore the Firearm Owners Protection Act. They work to bankrupt Firearms Manufacturers with frivolous lawsuits. And silly and naive gun owners, who have seen abundant evidence here and around the world that this attrition will keep happening, still cling to the tired old lies from the Liberal Left. They continue to support the anti-hunters and anti-gunners, thinking that our remaining sporting firearms are safe.
In this current Thread, there was another debate about Lead Ammo Bans and the effectiveness of ballistically inferior so-called non-tox ammo, and the effect it will have on hunting, young shooters, and our vintage doubles. that debate, a couple seriously misguided ex-military guys lamented the great division in the U.S. between the Liberal Left and Conservatives. They were fearful that our Nation might go down a violent path that has torn apart some countries where they served. I found those thoughts very naive. It should be obvious to anyone who is paying attention that the Liberal Left Democrats have already started their war on Conservatives. They have obstructed Justice by preventing the Border Patrol from doing the work they are required by law to do. They have actually welded the doors in the Border Wall open, and have been quietly auctioning off uninstalled sections of wall at a huge loss to taxpayers. Illegal Aliens are flooding in by the millions, and taxpayers are forced to hand them more money every month than the average Social Security recipient gets after working their entire career. 30 million undocumented aliens are suppressing legal citizens' wages and straining infrastructure. Homeless Veterans live in tents while Illegals are housed in expensive Hotels. Well over 100,000 Americans are dying annually from drug overdoses, and Biden is signing Executive Orders to impose more gun restrictions. Law abiding FFL's are losing their Licenses to sell firearms for the smallest inadvertent bookkeeping error in a zero tolerance campaign. FFL Records are being illegally seized. And a complicit Press is not reporting the truth. A totally defenseless Ashli Babbit was murdered on Jan. 6th, and Merrick Garland shrugs off that totally illegal use of deadly force, and then lies and claims 5 Capitol Police Officers were killed that day. The Left have taken Political Prisoners, held them without bail in deplorable conditions, and punished them with solitary confinement for complaining to their lawyers. They have launched a full frontal assault on Donald Trump, the leading Republican Presidential candidate, in an effort to derail his campaign and put him in prison for the rest of his life. They are also filing baseless criminal charges against many of his lawyers. They have weaponized the FBI and the Justice Department against Conservatives, Catholics, and parents who complain about woke perversions and the pedophile groomers who infiltrate our schools. People who peacefully protest at Abortion Clinics are arrested by Swat Teams, while violent criminals and drug addicts who burn Police Stations, businesses, and Court Houses are not arrested or are not charged by Leftist District Attorneys. They manufactured the totally phony Russian Collusion story and used that to waste our taxes pursuing a totally phony Impeachment. Citizens and scientists who correctly questioned the origins of Covid19 and the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines were silenced in violation of the First Amendment. Same goes for those who dared to question the many irregularities of the 2020 Election.
The list goes on and on. And Conservatives who insist upon keeping their heads buried in the sand, and fail to recognize how bad it already is, are insuring that those of us who believe in the Constitution, and the Republic the Framers formed, will lose the battle that is already raging. And like it or not, that includes things like duck hunting, skeet shooting, and owning even old vintage double shotguns. If the Left gets their way with our firearms, Forums like this won't be either needed or tolerated.
Right here on this forum, there is a cadre who support Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats, and would want this post censored. The way things are going, it wouldn't shock me if they get their way.