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once again so much for the "Peaceful" religion

French Artist’s Calls For Peace End in Brutal Beating By Local Muslims

French street artist Combo was physically assaulted over his latest art work. Photo: Combo Culture Kidnapper/Facebook

It was very offensive and local Muslims demanded he take it down.

Four Muslims in Porte Dorée (the Golden door), a ghetto east of Paris, beat artist Combo after he refused to take down his Coexist street art. Combo suffered a dislocated shoulder, bruises and a black eye.
Artnet reported, via Jihad Watch:

It seems like something one would be hard pressed to disagree with: the word “coexist,” written on a wall using a Muslim crescent as the letter “C,” a Star of David as the letter “X,” and a Christian cross as a “T.”

But in Paris, this particular iteration of the popular inscription—here, created by the street artist Combo, who also pasted a life-size photo of himself next to it—didn’t go down well with everybody. Le Monde reports that four young people asked the artist to remove it last weekend, and beat him up severely when he refused to do so.

Combo ended up with a dislocated shoulder and many bruises.

The attack is characteristic of the inter-religious tensions that plague France and have been exacerbated by the Charlie Hebdo tragedy (see 12 Killed at Magazine Previously Attacked for Satirical Cartoons). Combo declined to discuss the identity of his assailants. “It would only add fuel to the fire,” he told the French newspaper.
Good. There aren't many professions I currently find more worthless than the art community living off of grants.
Here's some folks that may be more worthless than an artist living off grants:

Muslims have highest claimed disability rates in the UK (24% of men, 21% of women)

2011: 16% of UK prisoners in 2010 are Muslim (Muslims comprise about 3% of the total population)

Pakistani Muslims in the UK are three times more likely to be unemployed than Hindus. Indian Muslims are twice as likely to be unemployed as Indian Hindus.

Here's a whole lot of more information about the attitudes of Muslims that Obama and other Liberals claim comprise only a tiny minority:
Star of David as catalyst for unfavorable relations between Muslims and Christians? Fair enough. Seeing Star of David near the Crescent must have been real upsetting to them I'm surprised they gave him beating as from of warning.
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Star of David as catalyst for unfavorable relations between Muslims and Christians? Fair enough. Seeing Star of David near the Crescent must have been real upsetting to them I'm surprised they gave him beating as from of warning.


No doubt those Muslims believed in the concept of Individual Freedom and Equality. Why shouldn't they commit physical violence on someone expressing a view different than theirs? It's not as if they believe they're morally entitled to do so, after all, theirs is the 'Religion of Peace"....
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that statist, religious, pathological etc trap, too.

You're the only one outside captivity who hasn't been trapped, skinned and sold into consumerism. One more of opposite gender gives hope for a New World.
So then King, what you're saying is that Caucasians and Christians are forever constrained from even expecting peaceful co-existence on this earth because of the sins of Crusaders and Klansmen who are long dead?

But at the same time, you refuse to even acknowledge the brutality of blacks against other blacks, and Muslims against even other sects of Muslims? You ignore the truth about the blacks in Africa who sold other blacks into slavery, and free blacks in the U.S. who bought and sold slaves. And what of blacks today who ensnare and enslave women of all colors in the sex trade?

Nothing from you on any of this? Why King?

Is it because you are terminally dishonest? I believe you are.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that....trap....

Interesting eh. When bo brought up how terrible Christians were during the 'prayer' breakfast. He failed to point that the crusades were sanctioned war against muslim aggression.

Good news, he's going to negotiate his way out of 'his' mess. Don't you find it amazing that he mentioned, in the sotu, that yeman was a success story and iran was a 'partner'. Then a few weeks later, a US tolerant government gets overthrown by iranian backed radicals. Maybe bo did back channel that deal because he certainly didn't explain it that way to the people.

Best state dept line ever to the rebels, we're concerned that the vehicles that we left at the airport while high tailing it out of town were taken, please return them.
Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that....trap....

Interesting eh. When bo brought up how terrible Christians were during the 'prayer' breakfast. He failed to point that the crusades were sanctioned war against muslim aggression.

Good news, he's going to negotiate his way out of 'his' mess. Don't you find it amazing that he mentioned, in the sotu, that yeman was a success story and iran was a 'partner'. Then a few weeks later, a US tolerant government gets overthrown by iranian backed radicals. Maybe bo did back channel that deal because he certainly didn't explain it that way to the people.

Best state dept line ever to the rebels, we're concerned that the vehicles that we left at the airport while high tailing it out of town were taken, please return them.

Krauthammer had another great read,

"Once you've discounted your own moral authority, once you've undermined your own country's moral self-confidence, you cannot lead.

If, during the very week Islamic supremacists achieve "peak barbarism" with the immolation of a helpless prisoner, you cannot take them on without apologizing for sins committed a thousand years ago, you have prepared the ground for strategic paralysis.

All that's left is to call it strategic patience

"This passivity - strategic, syntactical, ideological - is more than just a reaction to the perceived overreach of the Bush years. Or a fear of failure. Or bowing to the domestic left. It is, above all, rooted in Obama's deep belief that we - America, Christians, the West - lack the moral authority to engage, to project, i.e., to lead.

Before we condemn the atrocities of others, intoned Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast, we shouldn't "get on our high horse." We should acknowledge having authored the Crusades, the Inquisition, slavery, etc. "in the name of Christ."

In a rare rhetorical feat, Obama managed to combine the banal and the repulsive. After all, is it really a revelation that all religions have transgressed, that man is fallen? To the adolescent Columbia undergrad, that's a profundity. To a roomful of faith leaders, that's an insult to one's intelligence.

And in deeply bad taste. A coalition POW is burned alive and the reaction of the alliance leader barely 48 hours later is essentially: "Hey, but what about Joan of Arc?"
Originally Posted By: King Brown
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that statist, religious, pathological etc trap, too.

You're the only one outside captivity who hasn't been trapped, skinned and sold into consumerism. One more of opposite gender gives hope for a New World.

Comrade Sralin,

I've missed your point. It's pretty hard to find a religion that violence hasn't been committed in the name of. Christianity is no exception, although you've got to go back a little in history to find violence being advocated in the name of Christianity as a part of doctrine. Religious doctrine is created and administered by clerics as a means of societal control, indoctrinating the resultant subjective, faith-based morality to rationalize the manipulation of the "Masses". The question is whether it is sociopathically inflictive or not.

I find it interesting that you feel the need to insert the Marxist-Leninist demonization term of "Consumerism" into this, as an attempt to blame Capitalism, which makes no sense, and is a typical anti-intellectual, doctrinal, statist religious response. How's the new truck?
When the Seljuk Turks, an Islamic fundamentalist sect took Jerusalem from the Saracens, they oppressed and murdered the Christians in the Holy Land. Sound familiar? They also essentially closed down the Christian Pilgrim Trade, a major source of revenue for the Catholic Church.
Truck XL model Ford 150, stripped down. Motor vehicles to me only transportation, not much interested in them other than that. I am actually enthused though because of obvious technology advances from my 2002 Silverado, more power and better mileage. I carry heavy loads, often 1,600 pounds in the box, and similar load on trailer. A button on dash to change from high range to four-low is appreciated.

My "consumerism" meant we're indoctrinated to buy anything touted by the best advertising agencies. Two of my friends, one very close, were principal political strategists for the Progressive Conservative and Liberals Party of Canada, finest and to my mind most ethical in the business. I don't know the distance of Marxist-Leninist from theirs---or Carville's or Rove's.

The very close friend and mentor, for the cynical, was Dalton Kingsley Camp, who worked for conservatives all across the country, a national treasure, now deceased with highest journalistic prize in his name. The other went from advertising agency, PM press secretary, big embassy post in Washington, VP of one our biggest banks, now consulting freely in dozens of roles to strengthen communities,including editorial board of our best magazine Walrus.

They both came from the same village in the potato-growing region of neighbouring New Brunswick. They were close friends.

Dalton thought of it as a punk's game, too.

"In the bloodless wars of politics, the wounds are to pride and place. In such activity, men easily exaggerate their relevance to it. More than that, once caught up in it, the significance of politics becomes disproportionate to their lives. To many, I suspect, their importance to themselves, as to others, lies in their being politicians. One would wish it to be the other way round-that their importance as politicians lies in men being themselves, true to their best impulse and finest ideals, less concerned with the victory of a party as they are more concerned with the survival of their own personality and nature. But party politics feeds and flourishes upon the blood of sublimation. Every man must serve another's larger cause, giving or lending himself in whole or in part to another judgement, a further condition, a greater good, a lesser will, a common motive and purpose, and these replace his own criteria, the immediacy of his own conscience, until his own moral nature becomes a mere accessory to the cause, which is no more than his neighbour's, but the product of some ill-defined greater good and lesser evil. In the trackless waste of politics, men lose their purpose, and the stars by which they once steered vanish in the bottomless sky of other men's aspirations. They wander like nomads, from oasis to oasis, quenching their thirst from the wells of power and warming themselves by the abandoned fires of those who have come and gone before." - Gentlemen, Players and Politicians.

All irrelevant. What possible business is it of yours what another free and equal individual chooses to spend his money on?

That's the problem with you pseudo-elitist statist, religious bigots. Your anti-intellectual rejection of the concept of "Equality" in favor of faith-based demonization and sociopathic religious infliction is the hallmark of your unconstitutional religion.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....for the cynical, was Dalton Kingsley Camp, who worked for conservatives all across the country, a national treasure, now deceased with highest journalistic prize in his name....

....Dalton thought of it as a punk's game, too.

"In the bloodless wars of politics, the wounds are to pride and place....

....Gentlemen, Players and Politicians.

Hand up here, I'll be a cynic. Keeping in mind that you describe conservatives with words like 'progressive' and 'green'. I notice that even when you're trying a gotch'ya, you are proud and comfortable with a 'journalist' working for politicians of a particular stripe. Maybe, your 'conservatives' gave him the 'highest journalistic prize' for toeing the line, kinda like bo getting the nobel piece pipe prize?

You gotta read other stuff, but I see where you're coming from. The kubaya of the punks game make it easy to fake civility when....every thing is 'progressing' your way, but the ole wild west dalton gang tactics will rear their head with just the slightest wound to lefty pride. Neat little code word, pride, able to leap tall buildings, or at least does some pretty heavy lifting as a catch all for the agenda.
Whoa, Craig. You're mixing Canada with the US. We're a different country and culture. As Dalton wrote to me one time: "Remember it's not all black hats and white hats." That's what keeps Canada governable and US in the slings. You've got cultural AND political wars to attend.

We're a country engaged in a multicultural experiment that confides reciprocity to everyone: French and English, immigrants and native Canadians and indigenous first-here. Fake civility doesn't enter it. Whatever we're doing, it's an improvement on Washington's poisonous polarization, which according to polls all Americans condemn.

We do take pride in not beating ourselves up while waiting without venomous exchanges to test the performance of our legislators in the next federal election. See the difference?
Polarization certainly does exist in Canada, and you have spoken about it yourself King. But it may be harder to detect when there are dozens of slightly different political parties, and when there are Liars like you who attempt to portray Liberals as Conservatives, Greens as non-liberal, etc.

Aren't you glad that I'm here to remind everyone that whatever you say should always be taken with a huge grain of salt... kind of like the warnings on packs of cigarettes?

And that's what DaveK does too with pictures, videos, charts, and graphs, That makes it more graphic like those cancer pictures on Canadian cigarette packs. We like to remind everyone about the Cancer called Liberalism.

Just a public service, is all.
It's everyone's business that citizens not make law to suit their personal wishes. Courts and legislatures adjudicate within constitutions on this every day. Law controls behaviour. You're a rare person outside our common cage. Most prefer to choose how they want to live collectively, productively and harmoniously within our communities. The result has been reasonably satisfactory, whatever you call it in the land of the brave and home of the free. If this is inimical to an intellectual's concept of equality you'll have to live with it. Anarchy isn't an option.
When did Ken61 ever once suggest anarchy King? What Ken and the rest of us who aren't Liberal idiots want is a cessation of Unconstitutional vote buying... which leads to the eventual 51% of government dependents... who feel compelled by self-interest to elect those Liberal Democrats that have bribed them... who pack Courts with like-minded Judges... who pick and erode at the Original Intent of the Framers.

This could be accomplished by anarchy, or it can be accomplished by constantly reminding less educated folks that there are Liars and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing like you out there with a dishonest Liberal Socialist and Anti-Gun agenda.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Whoa, Craig. You're mixing Canada with the US. We're a different country and culture....

....That's what keeps Canada governable and US in the slings....

....We do take pride in not beating ourselves up while waiting without venomous exchanges to test the performance of our legislators in the next federal election. See the difference?

Whoa King, you don't really have to, I know we're different, but you mix and compare constantly. Can I count on your support that others can mix and match, in the name of compassion, tolerance and progress. Maybe you missed my point, because of my distracting and unnecessary additions, what was I trying to get across.

Oh, I remember, don't you see any, even the slightest, problem with an award winning 'journalist' being a high level political adviser. Unless of course if I was correct, it was a political award for cultural excellence.

Venomous exchanges eh? Consider this, I believe there has been a recent court decision here ruling that sporting ammo can not be REGULATED by the epa. I believe it's up in the air whether it sticks or not. Now why in the world would we be concerned about some piddly little regs that we must just suck up and politely eat because that's what they all do.

Hint, weren't you just been splained to by a Brit that's walking the walk, that shooting in the uk would be gone as they know it within ten years. All by simply regulating and taxing it out of any possible use by gays, single moms, the poor and all but the richest minorities.

Do you see the difference? How could I take pride in anything, didn't I just explain that it's a handy dandy code word of the left. It could be, with all our differences-n-stuff, that a chunk of US citizens can see the the losses that being 'governable' force down throats in an incremental way.

Is that why you insist on the sheeple being governable, less resistance to progress?
Originally Posted By: craigd
Hint, weren't you just been splained to by a Brit that's walking the walk, that shooting in the uk would be gone as they know it within ten years. All by simply regulating and taxing it out of any possible use by gays, single moms, the poor and all but the richest minorities.

Is that why you insist on the sheeple being governable, less resistance to progress?

All excellent points you made there in your last post craigd, and I especially liked those I quoted above.

But let's be certain that everyone fully understands the motive behind King's "Norwegian Lead- Yes" thread on the front page. King is merely trying to portray himself as a gun guy. King appears to be doing a flip-flop since he has in the past defended the junk science put up by the anti-lead idiot GrouseGuy. Real Gun Guys don't support politicians who attempt to separate them from their guns and ammo. Yet King gravitates to the Leftist Anti-gunner every time.

It was astute of you to pick up on how these anti-gun/anti ammo initiatives would have a greater impact upon the poor and downtrodden masses than the wealthy who King demonizes and calls selfish.
Craig, your stir so prodigiously in the entrails you often miss plain language staring you in the face. There is no more problem or an issue of a journalist or politician being nationally acclaimed for their work in Canada, not in any way politically connected at all. Canadians voted a socialist politician, Presbyterian minister and medicare founder as the Canadian of the 20th century.

Canadians don't rate citizenship by class, celebrity, political orientation. They're measured simply by how they contribute to those around them. Americans can't bring themselves to honour fellow citizens in the same way they honour their soldiers for valour: for what they do, not how they vote, their sexual orientation, their clubs or religious interests.

If you take from my posting of a shootinguk article of Norwegians coming to their senses on no-lead as an obligation for Americans to follow suit, that's fine with me. Neither I nor the publication said they should. What a British member says lays no responsibility on either you or me or him, either. And as many Americans in Misfires, you're again framing everything in right versus left, in this case Norwegians going one way one time, the other way the next.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Canadians don't rate citizenship by class, celebrity, political orientation. They're measured simply by how they contribute to those around them. Americans can't bring themselves to honour fellow citizens in the same way they honour their soldiers for valour: for what they do, not how they vote, their sexual orientation, their clubs or religious interests.

As with just about everything you say, this is nonsense. Americans elected Kennedy, a Catholic. Reasonable Conservative Americans despise Obama, a half-black man who violates laws and does end runs around Congress, yet they admire Clarence Thomas, a full black man, and others like him. And how many times have you told us about the embarrassing discrimination by Canadians against blacks and indigenous Indians? More Lies. More Bullshit.

And we all know why you initiated the "Norwegians Yes- Lead" thread. It was merely an attempt to frame yourself as a gun guy, which clearly you are not. Real Gun Guys do not support and defend liberal Democrat politicians who try to take their guns, ammo, and 2nd Amendment Rights.

Try, just once, to be honest with us.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Craig, your stir so prodigiously in the entrails....

....What a British member says lays no responsibility on either you or me or him, either. And as many Americans in Misfires, you're again framing everything in right versus left, in this case Norwegians going one way one time, the other way the next.



It's okay with me that you brought up the Norwegians. I didn't pm anyone and make them respond. A member took the ball and ran. What did we learn, when left to their own thoughts and responses, folks from around the world will share what happens when regs and taxes are used as a tactic to force ideology. Focus 'nuff?

Doesn't matter much at all to me if Canadians nationally acclaim either politicians OR journalists. I scratch my head, but understand why you don't give a hoot if 'journalists' won't vet a candidate or criticize policy and tactics. To you, it's no big deal, status quo, if journalists AND politicians are in bed together.

That's all, but I should'a used a stick. Gotta go wash my hands.
We're all in bed with politicians to the extent we're corrupted by going along with their nonsense. As for giving a hoot about journalists criticizing politicians, it's what Canadians expect of media, with strong doses of satire to add no-holds-barred spice and ridicule. Panels of distinguished journalists criticize leaders and their policies every day on national television, public and private.

That's their job, Craig. That's what they're paid to do. Sun Television network---Fox North in content---shut down this week after four years because there weren't enough pissed-off conservative, white, viewers raging about race, immigration, hate for legislators in Canada to bother switching it on. It's a different culture from the United States, Craig. The pity is your loss this week of Jon Stewart.

Come on up some time. I'll show you around where freedom of the the press and responsible government was won for the British North American colonies, right here in Nova Scotia.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....It's a different culture from the United States....Come on up some time....

Nooo thanks! No kidding it's different, you folks are too much like the wild west for me. Plots by Christian equivocable freedom fighters to kill whitey at your malls, top adviser to you PM's calling our President a moron, are you poking fun at me?

Awe, I'd probably get over it pretty quick. Mentioned before, I bet you live in some absolutely beautiful country. Probably a ton-o-fun thinning out your rats with wings. Stay warm.
It would have been a very interesting experience for you if you had accepted the Burger King's invite craigd. You certainly would need a backround check and security clearance before arriving because of all of the important politicians and dignitaries who also trek there to seek King's wise counsel.

Just think, you might get to meet the Canadian PM, the Castro Brothers, the Queen, and even BO. Why, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if those stories about JFK and Elvis still being alive weren't true, and they were all just hangin' out at King's place, drinking his award winning wine that was actually made by someone else.

Hell, you might even meet some little Green Men who were survivors of the Roswell, NM UFO crash. Being Greens, they are probably Liberal Illegal Aliens from outer space who were trying to escape discrimination from the other extraterrestrials, and would naturally go to King for advice and protection.

If you'd go, you could show King how to scan all of those photos of him having lunch with Jackie Kennedy or 'rasslin with MLK, and then post them here for us to admire. Why, I'll bet you'd stand a good chance of meeting Brian Williams there when he came to seek out advice on the correct way to tell lies so that he could return to NBC. Maybe you could even get some free lessons from the Master himself: Proper delivery of the Lie, Use of resume enhancement to gain credibility, The Dance of the Gnomoron, Changing the subject, Proper use of unnamed Catholic Clerics as witnesses, and Pretending to ignore anyone who harps on your serial Lies, Bullshit, and support for anti-gun politicians. Upon completion of the course, you would get a B.S. (BULLSHIT) Degree from The Socialist People's School.

If I were you, I'd go. It could be the experience of a lifetime. Just keep your head down like Hillary Clinton if you find yourself under fire. It's routine for King, but you may find it unsettling at first. All in a day's work for a bloviating Liberal Journalist. I'm jealous that I wasn't invited. Maybe you could put in a good word for me. At least you would know for certain that his feet weren't in the vino.
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