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Good evening Forum members. I finally took the plunge and I just acquired the following combination gun at an auction. I do not have the gun in my hands yet, however, I was hopping if you can help me identify it and the caliber in question. Based on a reading I did in other threads here, it appears the caliber is 8x57JR. I presume the 16 gauge has 65mm chambers due to its age. Am I correct in my assumptions? This is the first gun of such type that I have purchased and I have zero experience in such matter. However, the gun style and its quality appealed to me and I would like to learn to shoot it. The pics below are from the auction website. What can you tell me about its maker and its origins, based on the style and proof marks? If it in fact turns out to be 8x57JR, is that a good hunting caliber for North American game? What kind of modern caliber does it compare to? What should be my first steps once I have it in my possession, other than have a well qualified gunsmith evaluate it?
Thank you in advance for all your help. BillK


Nice gun.
Nitro proofed

Great cartridge up to 150 yard with those iron sights
Good for deer, moose, etc
A little less powerful that the current modern 8x57 Mauser
but one fine hunting cartridge.

FIRST have the gun checked over for issues, next slug to bore to insure .318.

Maybe a chamber cast

RST 16 gauge 2 1/2 ammo is a good starting point.

My Krieghoff drilling is 65mm and 8x57JR (318)

Thanks for sharing

p.s. I don't suppose you are close enough to Amarillo for us to shoot some of my ammo smile
Thank you for the info Mike. I wish I were closer to Amarillo to take you up on the offer. I live in Northern Illinois. BillK
Skeetx is basically correct, especially concerning the need for a chamber cast and slugging the barrel. The shotgun barrel is clear(unless it has been rechambered), the 16 in a circle means it had the standard chamber, which was 65mm. The 16/1 is the inside diameter of the barrel, ahead of the chamber. The 7,7 on the rifle barrel, strongly suggests a groove diameter of or near .318".I didn't see a case length stamped on the barrel, so it could be any one of several different cartridges. Even if the case length were marked as 57mm, it could be one of 3 different cartridges, including the 8x57IR suggested by Skeetx. The rifle has an uncommon scope mount base (dovetail).In my opinion it will be easier for you to have a scope mounted, because of this. The most likely cartridge is 8x57IR, as stated above; but if it turns out to be something else, look at it as a fun challenge to load for . There are several of us on this site that will be happy to help you.
Thank you Mike. I sure need all the help and advise you gentlemen can provide, since this is unchartered teritorry for me. I will report back once I have the gun in my hands and I will post more detailed pics. In the mean time, feel free with offering additional guidance and expertise in ballistics, loads, gun quality, etc.
Thank you in advance. BillK
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