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Posted By: bill schodlatz Checkering - 06/01/19 01:34 AM
When it was time to checker the stock for the D grade Parker I just finished I was stuck or someone to checker it. Macon no longer does outside work and Carol at Altmans won't do finer than 20 LRI and does not understand mulled borders. I ended up at RMS custom gunsmithing in AZ for the Parker. Robert did a good job at a rational price.

Posted By: ed good Re: Checkering - 06/01/19 02:23 AM
delgrego is the go to shop for parker work...

some say brian dudley does good wood working...

both are in ny state...

also gunther pfrommer in va has a good rep...
Posted By: bill schodlatz Re: Checkering - 06/02/19 12:13 AM
Degreco's has a long running rep as a faker of parkers, original skeet stamp, wrong case colors, checkered side pannels. He does have a selection of original parts. But I would be extra careful of guns sold as redone by him. I will say this, he was never accused of getting out his torch to get case colors.
Posted By: ed good Re: Checkering - 06/02/19 12:50 AM
you axed for referral for someone to checker a parker stock...

i suggested three options for you to consider...

instead of expressing your thanks, you choose to respond by bad mouthing a shop that many consider to be the go to place for parker shotgun work...

have you no class?
Posted By: Doug Mann Re: Checkering - 06/02/19 01:29 AM
Well Ed, Bill was just stating the truth and the obvious.
Posted By: ed good Re: Checkering - 06/02/19 01:32 AM
truth and obvious is not the point...
Posted By: Doug Mann Re: Checkering - 06/02/19 02:09 AM
Well Ed, Brian does first class work so does Gunther.
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