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I think baseball legends and vintage doubles both signify a purer America.
A Pittsburgh boy I never liked the Yankees as a whole, ( and I am a bit younger than Yogi's day ) but you have to respect the individuals... A nice piece on Yogi Berra:

My own "_21" is Clememte.
Thanks for the link. I grew up in N.J. so the Yankees were a part of my growing up in the 1950's and 60's.
We're better for having lived in the same world with him.
Great piece, Marks.
BTW, that one about "when you come to a fork in the road, take it" was actually the last part of his directions on how to get to his house. He lived in one of the Jersey suburbs of NYC. The layout of the streets was such that there was a side street which connected to a loop. Yogi lived on the loop. So, one would go down the road to the side street, follow that to the fork and then take either branch of the fork to drive along the loop where Yogi's house was.
So, it was both a deeply philosophical statement and accurate directions to his house all at once. Or, as one of the NY papers called him, an "unintentional philosopher".
You better cut the pizza in four slices because I'm not hungry enough to eat six.

R.I.P. Yogi.

(DeLuca's pizza and Budweiser for dinner tonight)

If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. Yogi Berra
how about my favorite: "A tie is like kissing your sister."
How about "people don't go there anymore, it's too crowded".
"Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical."
"Be sure to go to other people's funeral, or they won't come to yours."

I'm not a big baseball fan, but just the idea of Yogi being gone makes me sad.
"It's like deja vu all over again"!

Nothing lasts forever, RIP Yogi.

The future ain't what it used to be.
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