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Are there any tricks of the trade for removing then attaching the receiver from & to the buttstock of a Holland & Holland style sidelock similar to the LC Smith?
I have recently purchased a Belgium Holland & Holland style sidelock with a cracked stock. It is cracked at the back of both sidelocks and again at the base of the top tang. It is likely the cracks came as the result of stock bending and or use of heavy loads as it came with 70mm chambers so I believe it is likely a previous owner used some heavy field loads in it.
I am considering whether I should send it out to a stock repair expert or play with it and attempt to repair it myself as I have little money in it.
I have read the descriptions on LC Smith assembly and disassembly courtesy of the LC Smith Association, but I don't believe the H&H top lever has the same challenges on reassembly. This gun has the Purdey double under bites with the hidden third fastener.
Russ used to say watch out for the JABC, major quality verations in Belgium, from junk to the best. Hope you have a better one but make sure before you spend much money.

What is meant by "JABC"?

The gun in question is a good quality Jules Bury manufactured gun sold by Louis Christophe. It is a 12ga which I brought because I already owned its twin in 16ga with near identical engraving style signed by the same engraver. It may have other issues than the cracked stock, but I am just getting into it now so I will see.
not as difficult as a LC, loosen the pin under the floor plate, then loosen the hand pin, then remove the breech pin (the large pin under the toplever) now go back and remove the other two previously loosened pins. Now do NOT force the action off the stock but gentley tap it until loose enough to pull away
Just Another Belgian Clunker
If you care about the gun and intend to keep it, please send it to someone who is expert in stock repair. They will do the job right. Stock Fixers is one.
Lee, Jules Bury made some great stuff, if it was made by BuryI bet its lovely.Do some searches for this maker & n see..not jabc atall atall..grand guns mate
Jim Greenwood in Augusta, Kansas is a first rate stock maker. I've seen his work a lot. He repaired a cracked through the wrist Parker Repro for a fiend of mine and the repair is invisible. I don't know where in Kansas you are located, but it can't be more than five or six hours even if you were in the far Northwest corner. Call first.
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