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Subject: The Differences of California and Arizona

The Differences of California and Arizona

In California

The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature

A coyote jumps out, bites the Governor and attacks his dog.

1. The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie
"Bambi" and then realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what is

2. He calls Fish and Game, which captures coyote. It costs the

State $200 to test the coyote for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

3. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills
the State $200 to test it for diseases.

4. The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked
for diseases from the coyote and getting his bite wound bandaged.

5. The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game
conduct a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is free of dangerous

6. A "coyote awareness" program is implemented for residents of the

area using $50,000 in state funds.

7. The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better
treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the

8. The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the
attack somehow and for letting the Governor attempt to intervene.

9. Additional cost to State of California: $75,000 to hire and train
a new security agent with additional special training re: the nature of

10. PETA protests the coyote's relocation and files suit against the
State, resulting in over $1 Million in legal costs and lost productivity.

In Arizona

The Governor of Arizona is jogging with her dog along a nature trail.

A Coyote jumps out and attacks her dog.

1. The Governor shoots the coyote with her State-issued pistol and
keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $0.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point

2. The buzzards eat the dead coyote.

And that's why California is broke.
Texas is where Governor Perry shot the Coyote with his Ruger .380/ Ruger is now marketing it as the "Coyote Special" in commemoration.
california is broke because we have state workers that post stupid stories on the web instead of doing there work mc
CA is broke because of an electorate that is dumb enough to continue electing people like Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Gil Cedillo, etc. CA is broke because the feds refuse to control the border and continue to let the state be overrun by illegals. CA is broke because the feds won't pay the carrying costs of all the illegals who are causing parts of the state's infrastructure to collapse. CA is broke because too many of the people who live here bought into the idea that things would always be good and there would be no limit to the amount they could spend. CA is broke because of the nutball greenies who indirectly control too much of the state's economy. The reasons are endless. The OP's story has way too much truth in it.
Hi mc,

Do you mean to say "...instead of doing work there" or "...instead of doing their work".

Not being a native English speaker I tend to get confused.

I can tell you for a fact that there are no state workers posting on any gun site, this one included. There is an extensive list of restricted sites on that system. I know, I tried. hahaha

And California does have a lot of problems. The majority of which could be solved by some rational tax laws and less middle income gouging. It tried to be everything to everyone. An obvious impossibility. But it ain't alone. There are many states in deep $hit too for whatever reasons. Some of them have been forever. The only thing really positive about CA is that it's just stupid, not corrupt like too many other places - they just give the money away and don't steal it. And even tho I'll be in AZ asap - it's pretty stupid too in it's own way. And broke.

FTW - - it's the same everywhere, just different details

The only thing really positive about CA is that it's just stupid, not corrupt

CA is both stupid and corrupt, but not as corrupt as some other places. As an example, look at the Villaraigosa administration in Los Angeles (he's the mayor), with his free ticket scam and his series of bimbos. Look at the L.A. County Board of Supervisors and their imperial lifestyle, with what amounts to election for life. Look at the recent revelations in the city of Bell (Rizzo, et al). Look at the recent election fiasco in the city of Vernon (aka, Vermin). The city manager, son of the former mayor, did not like the probable election results, so he confiscated the ballot box. State AG has demanded that the box be released, but the city manager is not budging. There is plenty of corruption, and you don't have to look very far. But stupidity does overwhelm the corruption, for the most part. At least we are not in Illinois.

Lately, it seems the the only thing really positive about CA is the weather.
How about some of their wines?

"And even tho I'll be in AZ asap - it's pretty stupid too in it's own way. And broke."

Yep that's us we're pretty stupid. We elected a democrat governor* who proceeded to create a huge budget deficit where none existed before. One of the primary causes is the huge amount of unpaid expenses due to illegal immigrant services. We are trying to get at the heart of the problem by deporting illegals and what happens? We get sued by the Obama administration for violating their civil rights. crazy And I might add trying to enfore immigration policies the Federal Government should enforce.
*Shipped her off to Washington D.C. where she belongs.
We're also stupid for enacting gun laws like universal concealed carry for law abiding citizens. Any liberal idiot knows this will lead to "blood in the streets". grin
However;The only blood we see flowing regularly is from gangbangers and drug dealers many of whom are illegals.
The only resemblence between Arizona and California is nice weather. smirk

Get Out And VOTE This November!!
"he only thing really positive about CA is that it's just stupid, not corrupt "

Your kidding?

Maxine Waters ("I will nationalize the oil companies") to name just one,is one of the most corrupt in congress!
I was referring to state government with the corruption thing. Locals everywhere, best as I can tell, run at the max. Maxine, goof that she is, was the only member of Congress that had balls enough to call the CIA on their heroin, documented beyond any shred of doubt, operations importing into the USA. Of course it got little press and I wonder that Maxine wasn't snuffed. You can check out a book called "Crimes of Patriots" if you really want to be overwhelmingly disgusted with what is being done for you. How does bodies coming back from VietNam being stuffed with heroin strike you? Rock out!

Actually, nationalizing several industries would be a boon to all rather than just a few. You need only to look at Nazi Germany to a nationalized economy that just roared. A rational approach to critical nationalization only sounds bad to people who are bleeding a market segment dry, or who have no idea what they're talking about.

have a day

ahhh wonko, your "progressive" rant carries no basis in fact (like most liberals)

how that nationalizing work in Cuba? how about Chavez in Venzuela??

Always wondered what kind of dope would vote for a corrupt Marxist like Waters I guess its you !

Nov 2nd is coming and the parties over for liberals like you.
Nancy P will have her jet taken away,Rangel ,Waters and others will be doing the first of many perp walks.
Originally Posted By: italiansxs
Subject: The Differences of California and Arizona

Or how about the difference between a Florida orange and a California orange?

Answer: The California orange sucks back.... EDM
wonko i think someone stuffed you head with poop, what evedence?where is the "shred of doubt".i thought waters said the cia was selling cocain to innercity children?nationalizing just gives the government more power.why wouldnt the press be all over that story? stupid id as stupid doespoop i tell ya! EDM what you do with oranges in private is your business mc

Forget about your Nazi Germany Nationalization. That is just about as wrong as one person can get. The worst segments of our economoy are all run by the Govt already. And they just spent almost a trillion dollars and don't know where it went! It was all sent to "Shovel Ready Projects" and now the President himself admits there is not such thing. If you are coming to AZ for the purpose of espousing larger government I ask you to reconsider and stay in California where there is nothing left to screw up and if you like Maxine Waters please go live in her district. By the way, once we get the border with Mexico plugged up the next segment will be to seal the California border. We are getting way to many California luneys leaving there because the State is so screwed up and no sooner do they arrive than they want to have same govt handouts here.

Why you are leaving that peoples paradise and coming to AZ anyway?
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane

Actually, nationalizing several industries would be a boon to all rather than just a few. You need only to look at Nazi Germany to a nationalized economy that just roared. A rational approach to critical nationalization only sounds bad to people who are bleeding a market segment dry, or who have no idea what they're talking about.

have a day


Critical nationalization...shovel ready projects, TARP, Gov't bailout of GM and Chrysler, stimulus... stimulus??? Let's see, $787 Billion pissed down the rat hole that didn't create any jobs but supposedly "saved" 2 million jobs. I personally don't see it because since the illegal alien Kenyan took office, unemployment has risen from under 8% to 9.6%. But even if this bullshit did save 2 million jobs, the cost ($787 billion divided by 2 million) amounts to $393,500 per job "saved". Add in the interest we wil pay the Chinese who buy our debt and it becomes apparent this is not realizing the same bang for the buck that the Nazis got. And that Nazi driven economy didn't turn out so well in the end.

November 2nd people. Take out the trash.

you folks really need to learn some history that hasn't been reconstructed. Or fed to you by Beck, et al.
You may have missed the reason why Nazi Germany failed. It was the purpose that the economy was put to. I'm sure you might be able to check that out. The economic system was a powerhouse. If the people there had a brain they could have just bought the rest of Europe instead of making it a mass grave. Not to mention the other stupid $hit they did.
And Jerry, the worst elements of our economy run the government not the other way around. The recent health care bill is a shining example of that in action regardless of the spins put on it. The only beneficiaries of that POS were the health care (what a laugh) insurance companies.
And Maxine is a goof like I said, with one moment of truth. The only difference between her and any other career politician is that they never have a thought past their re-election - no light bulb moments for any of the thieves.

have a day
"The economic system was a powerhouse. If the people there had a brain they could have just bought the rest of Europe instead of making it a mass grave"

I've been a student of WW II for fifty years:
Now here's where liberals like you go astray. The first part of this statement is correct. However what's overlooked is the reason why Germany became a powerhouse. It was gearing up for the war that brought at least temporary economic prosperity to Germany much as gearing up for WW II brought the United States out of the Depression. After the initial plunge in War the primary thing that sustained Germany economically was the siezure of others assets which were used to continue to fund their war effort.
I have a collection of Nazi regalia including dress daggers. One of the primary reasons these were adopted by each Nazi entity was it spurred the economy by putting the Solingen blade manufactures back in business,provided them with income and allowed them to gear up for bayonet production an item then essential for war.
This is just one of dozens of examples that could be cited.
Bottom line: The Nazi economy was a war driven economy.
You are seriously confused. Political systems wage war, not economic systems. The direction and products of an economic system are politically determined. That determination can be anything. The economic system may or may not be capable of supporting that determination.

Maybe you should spend a lifetime studying the time between WWI and WWII. There is more to be learned there about economics and overcoming recession that make our 29er look like a carnival ride, but those nasty inconvenient truths are there too.

Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
The direction and products of an economic system are politically determined.

In what socialist/communist country do you live in?

What do you do for a living?
Public or private sector?
"Political systems wage war, not economic systems. The direction and products of an economic system are politically determined. That determination can be anything. The economic system may or may not be capable of supporting that"

Now just where did I say anything contrary to the above? I may be "confused" but I at least have the ability to read and comprehend what others have written. grin
You would think that by now some economic/political system would have gotten it right either by accident or design and the rest of the world would have a perfect model to follow. I guess the entire world throughout history is really seriously confused and stupid... except for Obama and his disciples.
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