One of the DoubleGunShop tagline Free Advertisers has been displaying a strange reaction to my recent comments about those who apparently refuse to pay Dave the $12.00 fee for things that are sold as a result of Ads in his forums. In a manic bipolar epic meltdown, I get both "Likes" for my posts, and I am also being privately Spammed with tantrums and personal attacks. These mixed messages are confusing.

Recently, I have been receiving more and more of these unsolicited and unwanted Spam PM's.

I just got another day before yesterday, and wish there was some way to block them, because my PM alert has been flashing for days. The Spam PM I got on 1/27/24 had the heading: "You are a pussy"

I just opened it, and here are the contents:

Originally Posted by SKB
Unable to speak man to man? All my best.

In order to speak man to man, I would need to hear from an actual man... not a coward who engages in doxxing and hides behind PM's. I assume this is in regards to other Spam PM's I received recently, and simply ignored by leaving them unopened and unread. I ignored them because I have received numerous other messages from this individual, and have informed him/her that if he/she had anything to say to me, then he/she should do it in the open forum. Why is that hard to understand?

I will open this other Spam PM now, and share it here in public, if permitted. And it should be permitted, to actually have context. Well, it looks like the frustration is mounting. I guess you could call it a meltdown, because it appears there were multiple Spam PM messages which I never opened. This recent Spam campaign started on 11/27/23 under the header "Slowing Down", with one message I did reply to with a brief and terse two line response, which I had hoped would end any further contact. Here they are:

Originally Posted by SKB
You appear to be slowing down in your old age, it took you nearly 6 weeks to start complaining about the African hunts in my tag line. Either that or I missed your earlier rants on the subject. All my best billie.

I have already posted this unsolicited Spam PM message in another Thread, because it appeared to be some private bragging about expanding Free Advertising of business ventures in taglines, and I had questioned whether Dave was getting paid the $12.00 fee for sales of services in these continual Free Advertisements. The bragging part appeared to be the expanding of the Free Advertising by adding the booking of African hunts. Here is a link to where I previously posted it, so Dave and everyone else could read what was said by a phony who claimed to have more integrity than Ed:

I'd have no qualms about posting my two sentence reply, but it would probably get censored. I said what I said, and meant every damn word. I made the short and sweet reply because I have received other harassing Spam PM's from this nutcase in the past, and previously notified him/her that any messages to me should be posted in public... not hidden in PM's. But even though I attempted to "unsubscribe", the Spam PM's just kept coming, and here is another which I simply didn't bother to respond to:

Originally Posted by SKB
You are a moron billie. I paid Dave 12$ BEFORE I changed my tagline, as noted in my hunt report.

All my best.

Well, I actually did know that this PM Spammer and Free Tagline Advertiser had said that he/she made a single $12.00 donation to Dave, in advance of selling any African hunts. I have even publicly acknowledged that, but also questioned whether that signaled an intention to pay the same $12.00 fees for ALL future sales, and to also pay Dave any delinquent $12.00 fees for ALL past sales resulting from the Free Advertising. I didn't get a direct answer to that. I got an evasive answer to a question that I never asked.

I also have asked the same question when I noted that in 2023 alone, at least 4 members here said they used the gun importation services that were offered in those Free Tagline Advertisements. I have posted this verbatim QUOTE of the bragging response I got to that simple question:

Originally Posted by SKB
billie, you underestimate things. I imported way, way more than 4 guns for board members this shipment, by several fold.

I have not falsely accused anyone of doing anything wrong. It is indeed a fact that there are some people here who choose to skirt using the proper For Sale forum to sell things and to advertise personal business ventures in their Taglines, even though Dave has stated his displeasure with that. They obviously don't care. There have been entire Threads in the Custom Rifles forum made by another individual, to sell books and very expensive gunsmithing classes. I received an extremely vulgar and threatening phone call for mentioning that Dave should get his cut for those sales. Now I am being called a pussy and other unflattering names, simply because I question why they continue to do the Free Advertising, and also ask whether they pay Dave the $12.00 fee for ALL resulting sales.

And the Spam PM's continued to come in, without any further response from me. Here they are:

Originally Posted by SKB
A new year...and the same old you, telling lie after lie. You are a pathetic little excuse of a man billie. All my best,

Lies???... what lies? You'd think I was making up stories about the Free Advertising. You'd think I was the one who privately and stupidly admitted to doubling down of Tagline Free Advertising, or importing several fold times four guns for board members. This PM Spammer appears to be melting down big-time, because I have not responded to his/her rants. Here's another:

Originally Posted by SKB
What's wrong billie? Do you need the boards attention right now? Can't discuss your issues directly, one on one like a man? Why am I not surprised. Your nothing but a pussy. All my best.

Sticks and stones... I couldn't care less if I am the target of any internet name calling. It does bother me that most Libtards don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". It shows the taxes we pay for Public Schools are wasted on illiterates. But it is very deceptive when name calling and personal attacks come from the same crybabies who whine and cry that such behavior will ruin this forum and drive folks away. What they are saying is that only they and their pals should be permitted to engage in personal attacks. Anyone else they dislike is a cancer that should be censored, moderated, banned, etc.

Within minutes of opening these Spam PM's and finally stopping my PM Alert from flashing, I got another one. This latest Spam PM from Stevie is titled "You are also a coward". I didn't bother to open it, so my PM Alert was back to flashing again. I will now open it too, and post the private message:

Originally Posted by SKB
All my best.

Well, I guess the title of the Spam PM is the message. All Stevie says in the body of the message is "All my best". So it appears that "All his/her best" consists of acting like a bipolar spoiled man-child who is totally losing it over an apparent refusal to stop the Free Advertising of for-profit business ventures in his/her tagline, and to simply pay the lousy $12.00 fee for each and every sale.

Stevie has his/her own website to use for advertising. I doubt very much if we will ever see Stevie allowing Dave, Ed, me, or anyone else to do Free Advertising of goods or services on his/her own business website. So why is Dave's website fair game for Freeloaders???

The most amusing part to me is that I have received numerous other harassing Spam PM's from this same fruitcake, and from several other guys too. Go figure, but most all seem to be of the Liberal Left persuasion, though some try to hide it. I get frequent proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder. I don't contact them. They contact me. I can prove that because I saved all of those Spam PM's. I saved them because I have been accused of lying about crap that goes on here. I kept the anonymous threatening letter that was mailed to my house by a member with two user names, from upstate New York. It was signed, "From your friends at Doublegunshop". I never deleted the threatening phone call I received from Montana.

So why is this amusing to me? Well, it's because every one of these creeps has tried very hard to silence me, censor me, or have me banned from this forum. Some have attempted to influence Dave to sanction me, through monetary contributions. So why then, do they repeatedly reach out to me with all these unwanted Spam PM's??? Are they trying to start more shit, so they can goad a reaction, and then cry to Dave about it??? They act like innocent little victims, but right here we see one of them doing his/her irrational PM Spamming and personal attacks behind the scenes. I could show more Spam PM's, but this should be enough to see what's going on. I don't see any end to this crap by keeping it behind the PM curtain anymore, so I'm putting it on the table for all to see. I hope Stevie's pals, who pretend to be deeply offended by such behavior, don't swoon from a case of the vapors. I don't want any more Spam PM's from deceptive and mentally deranged fools. I know that I could block PM's by using the IGNORE function, but I don't wish to do that. So instead, I will just share the antics of little turds who want everyone to think they are well behaved grownup gentlemen.

I'm following the advice of the late anti-gunner, Ann Landers, who in her advice column often said, "When life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade."