I agree with Colonial. Jimmy W probably doesn't really have anyone on IGNORE. He is simply unable to rationally engage with anyone who disagrees with his insane Liberal Left dogma, and chooses to instead act like a menstruating woman.

But his little show is both educational and also a bit confusing. You see, the "Rumor has it" Thread has been locked for some unexplainable reason. That Thread was about Lyalvale shotshells. There was no name calling, politics, or personal attacks... just some comments about the level of recoil they produced. I didn't see anything libelous or defamatory about the company, and I didn't see any Copyright infringements... yet the Thread is locked. I was hoping we might get some insight as to why so many guys find them to be hard recoiling, since recoil energy is only a function of gun weight, mass of the ejecta, and the velocity.

However, this Thread has not been locked, and it contains several of the things that some thin-skinned people find objectionable. But strangely, we don't see the usual suspects whining about Jimmy W going completely Off-Topic, and posting fabricated images of Trump, and attacking both Trump and guys who support him. We also don't see Gladys Kravitz complaining about any lack of manners or civility. Nor do we see the usual suspects complaining that Jimmy W is posting under an anonymous screen name or tainting this forum with politics. What we do see is Jimmy posting disturbing images of prepubescent little boys and porn stars, in his private unopposed campaign to denigrate Conservatives, and the only Pro-2nd Amendment candidate for President.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I found that short and now locked Thread about Lyalvale shotshells more interesting and valuable than the sum total of everything Jimmy W has posted since his recent return to this forum.

But since Jimmy W is a Liberal Left Democrat, what we WILL NOT see is any of his fellow Liberal Democrats complaining about his Off Topic lunacy. We WILL NOT see them all wringing their little hands and crying that his behavior will drive away members. We WILL NOT see them crying or emailing Dave to demand Moderation or Censorship of his posts. And we WILL NOT see the Nutty Professor starting another one-man campaign to defund this forum. This is all perfectly fine for our Liberals. It's how they roll.