Stan is correct, the people who complain the most about any political topic, even if it relates directly to Gun Rights, are among those who kept returning to those Threads to post their Liberal Left thoughts over and over. They say they hate them, but are drawn like moths to a flame. Stan never complained about it, so I don't see any hypocrisy on his end. Of course, if someone is dumb enough to think Biden was a better choice than Trump, it is understandable that they might not even know what hypocrisy is.

And it was always those on the Left who complained about political topics. I never saw Conservatives say those off-topic political topics should be banned, locked, or deleted. Even when we had a dedicated place for off-topic and political stuff, the old Misfires Forum, it was those on the left who whined and cried, and lobbied Dave to permanently shut down that forum. Nobody made them go to Misfires, but they did, just to have something to cry about. It's the so-called "Cancel Culture" that wishes to censor any opposing views. I laughed when CJF suggested taking the politics to Twitter... what, the same Twitter that banned Donald Trump and also silenced and censored his supporters? That's hilarious! Much of social media is still shutting down Conservative thought.

We have had a number of Threads in the past concerning Climate Change, Global Warming, etc. I remain 100% on the side that believes it is a Hoax. I don't believe it is a hoax because Donald Trump or any other Republican told me so. I believe it because I have read the studies and studied the data that is readily available to anyone who doesn't have a closed mind that has already swallowed the globalists' propaganda and Al Gore's nonsense. My Professor in a Meteorology course I took was the co-founder of Accu-Weather. He said Global Warming was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind. It is a fact that mankind has thrived far better in warm periods than in cool periods. Obama did not buy a $12 million mansion a couple hundred feet from the ocean because he actually believes it will be under water in a few years. There is live sworn testimony from Climate Scientists, in the Congressional Record, that there is no direct correlation between temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels. There is verifiable data showing periods of much higher CO2 levels, and lower average global temperatures.

Jimmy seems very concerned about polar sea ice. Instead of listening to Al Gore, he could go here to see that the polar bears aren't even close to drowning yet:

Strangely the graphs show no data for seasonal sea ice for 2019 to 2023. Maybe it was all gone... hahaha! But in the distant past, much of Antarctica was a temperate rain forest. Of course we should not ignore dire warnings like this:

[Linked Image from]

Oops, that was from a long time ago when the population on Earth was 1/4 what it is now. Since then we have gone through decades of much warmer than average temps such as the 1930's, and periods of cooler than average temps, such as 1940 to 1978, when the "Science" was all predicting a coming Ice Age. Trust the Science! I'm sure Jimmy and the Nutty Professor remember those mile high glaciers in Northern Indiana and Iowa back in the 1970's. Hard times for sure:

[Linked Image from]

But we do know for sure that the ocean levels are rising. We can see it with our own eyes:

[Linked Image from]

I know the climate is changing. It always has, and it always will, because solar cycles and solar activity has always been the major driver of global climate... followed by super-volcanoes and asteroid impacts... both of which cause a decrease in solar radiation. When the Sun exhausts all of its' hydrogen fuel to sustain nuclear fusion... in about 8 or 10 billion years... we are really in trouble!

For now, the greatest threat we face is anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats.