It's funny how this left hand/right hand thing is. I am right eye dominant and right handed. I do everything right handed ...... I mean everything. A good friend and pool shooting buddy of mine is right handed, almost entirely. The one thing he does left handed is shoot pool. He said when he was a very young child he had a mentor who was left handed and taught him to shoot pool ......... left handed. He is excellent, and beats me more often than not.

My Grandad taught me to cast a reel and rod when I was about eight years old. We fished thousands of hours together for bluegill,shellcrackers, redbreast, crappie, bass, and jackfish. When we fished for bass he used a Pflueger Supreme bait casting reel. When I "came of age" and got my first bait-caster, a Pfluger Supreme, he made me learn to cast left handed so that my reel would already be in my left hand to crank the handles with my right.

It seems to me that we can teach ourselves to use our "off hand" for any task we choose, without any loss of efficiency or accuracy, but it takes considerable time to ingrain the muscle memory.