New guy here… growing up my Dad had a SxS nitro special in 16gauge. When my brother and I got older he got other guns and was mainly a deer hunter. But that nitro special was the first shotgun I ever shot and claimed a place in my heart. When he died last year, it came to me. Since then I picked up a Flues and a pristine 20 gauge Nitro special. I’ve read lots, on here and books. I’m not able to spend the kind of money some can..2 kids in college…but I do have a little squirreled away and now I’m bit by the bug. I want a nicer one. Last year we took the Boy Scout troop on a vintage SxS clay shoot. I know my flues isn’t much “field grade” but it is my favorite to shoot. Going to take them again this weekend. Thank you all for the forum and info.