Originally Posted by Remington40x
I have my dad's Stevens Springfield 16 gauge. Whoever coined the 'phrase "handles like a pig on the end of a shovel" was describing that gun. It was the only shotgun he ever owned and he was deadly on birds with it.

I'm glad you added that your Dad was deadly with it. Those of us fortunate enough to have a number of great handling guns often look disparagingly at what is called "entry level guns", that handle sluggishly. Then when we see someone who can shoot one of them lights out we wonder how. The old mantra "Beware the man with one gun." is definitely true. I've a great friend who has used a Ruger Red Label and a Stevens 311 for almost all his shooting needs for at least twenty years. I've never witnessed anyone that can kill doves and ducks as efficiently as he.

Much use can totally overcome the poor handling characteristics of a gun. That, and muscle memory, is all it takes.