Originally Posted by Drew Hause
….It doesn't help to throw into a pot lead toxicity in waterfowl, lead toxicity in raptors, lead toxicity in scavengers and then mix in climate change, the efforts by some to outlaw sport hunting, shut down target ranges and outprice target shooting, lead in the water in Flint, the "Green Movement", COVID, George Soros, Greta Thunberg & environmental racism and pour out some vast conspiracy theory as to why lead shot was banned. Conspiracy theories (and faux-omniscience) are coping mechanisms, esp. for the not so smart and those with OCD, but we usually find out over time that they are detached from reality….

Yup, it’s almost as if I’m a loon, instead a waterfowl hunter. Sad story, I’ll use and enjoy what I have, but I flat out prefer not to spend my money on gent’s guns and rifles anymore. Nowadays, my coping mechanism is to buy things that “friends” of the double gun lecture me about being offensive and are proactively trying to ban. I do not believe it’s in my head, I can tell what’s going on? Always a pleasure Doc Drew, thanks for your tolerance.