Originally Posted by Toby Barclay
As Dr P mentions, I do admire the design and execution of these guns.
However, I have never worked on the Baker single trigger, probably for the simple reason that I don't work on any British single triggers unless both arms are well up my back and my wife and Tilly the lab are being held hostage!
I have no doubt that the Baker ST mechanism may have been highly regarded in the early C20th but we are now in the early C21st and who knows what idiots have been let loose on your pride and joy since.
I wouldn't give house room to an British single trigger from the C19th. And that includes the Boss unless I had a guarantee, written in blood, that no one except Boss themselves had serviced, restocked or striped and cleaned the gun! I am sure that there are 'smiths out there who can do the work but there is no way of knowing if it is they that did it.
Call me over-cautious if you will, but I have spent too many hours sweating over British single triggers in years past to ever want to deal with them again.

There are quite a few people here who really should read this twice.

Thank you, Toby.
