Bravo. Couldn’t have said it better myself. The spring that drives those strikers will continue to work, even if they do break.

I’m at a point where I believe there are more important differences in the people who are trying to run sporting shotguns than there are in the guns. Some guys can run a pump (I used to be that guy) others, can’t or, maybe more importantly, won’t. There are a lot more people that have never even seen a Darne, much less used one for a season or three, than people who have. I sold new Bruchet guns to guys who pretty much became converts, and sent anything else they had, down the road. I am not that guy, by the way, I enjoy lots of different guns. Or, did. Still sorting that out. Unfortunately, one of the guns I shoot best at the moment, is an ugly Remington 20 gauge autoloader. I’m not happy about that. But, shooting an 1100 will sure beat the hell out of joining the kids I grew up with, who, to a one, have aged out of the field, for a game of cribbage or 500 on a fall afternoon.

Which camp are you in Stan? Ever seen a Darne? Run one?

Anyway, a guy who can run a Darne and enjoys it, is still a guy who is out there. That should be enough for a bystander.
