This discussion has migrated a bit and it brings to mind to me that we are seeing a significant change in the work force in this country, and this change is across the the spectrum of labor and crafts it appears.

Mark's comment above about some gunsmith's not taking on new customers is one of these significant changes that we are seeing in America; not only with gunsmiths but with crafts such as the private automobile mechanic (now called a auto technician). When you telephone the auto shop of the father and son who keep my SUV going you receive a message that they are not taking on new customers.

Further, we see the shortage of labor in the general work force and we old timers are prone to think that the shortage is caused by those lazy 20 somethings who do not want to work, but free load off the government. However, just today the we have seen statistics from the national news that set our minds to thinking....... HERE IT IS BELOW:

"One of the more insidious myths making the rounds this year was that young people didn't want to work because they were getting by just fine on government aid. People had too much money, went the narrative from a handful of politicians and pundits. Only trouble is, the numbers don't back it up.

Here's the thing: Early retirement — whether forced by the pandemic or made possible otherwise — is having a huge impact on the labor market. And data show that retiring boomers, far more than "lazy" millennials, are the biggest force behind the labor shortage.

People have left the workforce for myriad reasons in the past two years. But among those who have left and are least likely to return, the vast majority are older Americans who accelerated their retirement.

Last month, there were 3.6 million more Americans who had left the labor force and said they didn't want a job compared with November 2019. A whopping 90% of them were over 55"

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT BUBBA? What was it that Pogo said about seeing the problem and it is US, or something like that? Of course, many of you are too young to even know who Pogo was.