The BBS runs on a Linux platform and the files come from another SQL server.

Typically, I see errors when there is a rift between the 2.
Aside from kicking the hosting company I don't have much recourse.

Here is a list of typical things that can cause it:

Server mis configuration - very rare
Server melting (Once every 5 to 8 years has been the norm)
Server software changes - Typically after a melt
Hack Attempt (Most nights)
Independent server backups (1 or the other backing up)
Time stamp (clock differences)
Network issues between the servers (traffic due to bot scans, routing issues or hack attempts)

Thank you all for your participation.

PS - If you are writing a long reply it might be prudent to fabricate it in a text editing program then cut and paste it. That way you have spelling & grammar check as well as a copy shoud an error occur.