Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted by canvasback
Originally Posted by craigd
Originally Posted by canvasback
.....none of that negates my point. Which is that to combat that shit you need long term activism. Not simply a different political or leader for the next 4 year cycle.

You can complain or make excuses as to why one can’t or it’s too hard or they are too well entrenched. But what I am saying is the way you start to take back society. You think you have it tough now? Imagine being a gay trans guy in the 1960s in the Deep South. You don’t think the entire forces of government and culture were arrayed against him?....
Your point is too idealistic, and is not grounded in today's reality. But, and this is hugely important, does any of your long term activism theory negate other's points?

I think it's time for you to show, when has law enforcement, administrative branch of government in the form of prosecutors, or judicial branch activism, ever gone after, harmed, left wing social agenda activism? I think it's wrong for you to frame right wing activism in terms of laziness to resist, time, money and energy inconveniences. Wisconsin comes to mind when state republican party members, activists if you will, faced leo forcible home searches and seizures of property. The half billion ruling against Trump with no victim, or the Georgia election shenanigans against Trump. Well, you know there are many examples.

That’s easy Craig. Think law enforcement in the Deep South in the 1960s. Those guys were not on board with what the liberals from Washington and the judiciary were trying to force on them.

Or how about the union busting that went on for the first half of the last century.

The Deep South was blue. Jim Crow laws, the enforcement of same, and the KKK were all facets of the democrat party. I hope James Flynn sees this, I had a nice conversation with him just recently about this. He literally had trouble registering as a republican. He has always lived in the south.


Ted, I'm also well aware of that. Craig asked for examples where activists had been actively suppressed by the state. And at that time there was a clear delineation between Washington Liberals and Southern Democrats.

Once more, you guys mix up party politics with social and cultural activism. Exactly what I am trying to bring to your attention.

The party politics of the Deep South evolved when the Dems figured out how to use the black populace and the evolving social climate to their advantage. I'll never believe George Wallace had a change of heart. He simply figured out a more effective approach in a new world. That's what good politicians do. The culture changed......then the politicians change to take advantage.