Originally Posted by craigd
Originally Posted by CJF
...I engaged on this thread about politics because I’m worried about where we are going as a country. Will my kids enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities that I did? Will my wife and I enjoy the retirement we worked and saved for?
I don’t know.
I do know that the GOP today is not what it was when I voted for Reagan. Or Bush. Or a different Bush. Conservatism used to be about a way for America to be better. For Americans, and as a force for good in the world.
I engaged on this thread about politics because you all go right for the bait. You rally to defend this issue or that issue, and vote GOP because they’ll defend your guns or fight the “woke” for you....
Jo-n-kamala, and their appointed policy making ideologs are going to give your children, freedoms and opportunities? There is some value in picking the lesser of two evils, rather than trying to pedal some faux high ground.

CraigD - Here's where I'm coming at this from. I'm in my late 50s. Lucky to be retired. I have two daughters. Mid-20s, single. Wife is also retired. Under Trump, the tax cuts for the wealthiest exploded the deficit by $7,000,000,000,000 and now the GOP is saying we're spending too much and we need to cut entitlements. So that's a non-starter. (FWIW, my taxes also increased under Trump) Worse, Trump destabilized security across the globe, and that's playing out with Russia, China and the middle-east.

So yes, Jo-n-kamala offer a better option for me and my kids. If Biden is re-elected and increases tax rates for those of us making less than $400K, then I'll be less happy. I don't think that will happen but it could. But I'm done believing in Santa, magic and trickle-down economics. And I'm tired of the GOP using culture wars to distract folks like you while they subsidize the hopes and dreams of their billionaire donors. And I believe Biden will continue to invest in US infrastructure, manufacturing and the middle class, and that will drive my investments to grow.

So I want 4 years where we focus on growing the middle class, pushing back on dictators, and enforcing our laws on everyone, equally. And growth.