James: Thank you, and to Craig also. I wanted to ask you how the Canadian side of the Lake-of-the-Woods faired in all the flooding?

Probably walked my last trail last night. Only flushed 1 bird and spent the rest of the afternoon dodging a number of other sports fans. Things are changing up here, more people and less lonely places than when I first ventured out to this locale some 20-plus years ago. Oh well....pulled the boat yesterday and have a few chores to do today before I depart tomorrow (mostly winterization and administrivia). It's looking like the house will be allright (somewhat worse for wear but still habitable) but... all the outbuildings are looking very dilapidated. Hauled lots of stuff to the dump and hit everything with Clorox (to stop the cryptosporidium and any black slime mold) so....we'll see how it all looks next spring. I'm driving my old Ford pickup truck back to Colorado for an overhaul and perhaps for a re-evaluation of it's next mission. My other hunting/utility vehicle up here (an '02 Trooper) is seemingly on it's last legs (transmission issues). It's always something, eh?

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

That darn bird...