This post has 2 sections.
Section A:
It is rather complementary to a previous one on the JSE auction and its
huge batch of leatherware/accessories.
They had in a lot of 3 vintage very-compact-guncases in perfect
condition which made 825 E.
So there is someone out who appreciates this type of case.
They were "all-in-one" Central-European-types, with double side-
opening flaps, a tube/sleeve for cleaning rod and a small
compartment on the inner flap to hold a cleaning jag/bristle.
Here is a photo from a Fückert/Weipert catalogue showing such a case,
none seen in any JSE or Kalezky catalogue.
The Indian Guram brothers have founded a company with the
intention to revive/renew Anglo-Indian heritage items.
(J & R Guram)
Their products include campaign furniture & equipage
based on solid rosewood and brass,
sporting accessories ( in Terry Wood quality)
and associated life-style equipment.
The world is full with the ubiquitous discounted shooting stick with folding
leather seat.
They introduced a Curzon shooters stick as a
versatile outdoor piece , the seat made from robust bamboo cane.
Here is the Central-European counterpart from the Fückert catalogue,
"Patent v. Meenen", elegant and very practical.
Section B:
Weipert/Vejprty gunmakers.
This has been "terra incognita" still in the 1990's.
I have been curious to close the knowledge gap.
How ?
By field-research.
Drove to Weipert - a town in north/western Czechia at the border to Germany-
started to ask questions on the shops of Morgenstern/Bittner/Fückert.
Got the feeling these are "alien" questions.
The trip only ended with photos of the tombstones in the cemetary.
Finally got the address of the Weiperter Landsmannschaft in Germany,
got from them the info that there are still descendants of all the 3
living in Germany.
I contacted Herbert Morgenstern - then aged 87 -who kindly provided
a copy of a fragmentary Morgenstern catalogue and his photo .
Next step field research in Prague browsing through Weipert/proofrecords,
taking production samples of the years 1903/1911/1925/1937.
All of that resulted into my DGJ article spring 2002

Then in 2015 Miroslav Slanina published a book
"Puskarstvi ve Vejprtech / Das Büchsenmachergewerbe in Weipert"
ISBN 978-80-88075-03-5 /
A comprehensive oeuvre documenting also the political drama
behind this town and its once florishing trades/industries.
Here are some representative pages from a Gustav Fückert
catalogue pre 1918
Fückert catalogue front page
Catalogue content
Comment on Russian agency
Fücker top model
Mannlicher business
FN DGJ article Spring 2002
Postscriptum as of 1/17
Have seen the recent additiion by a hunter from Slovakia
- based on the id bazar/search engine - on
a Fückert/Opava supplied Mannlicher in a thread
started by ellenbrs/Raimey in 1909
(Fückert ad of 1883).
I have no more info than the one given in my article.