GOOD IDEA CHUCK - Great thread.....
Born in '56, very small town in Illinois valley - working class folks. Cornfields and river bottoms everywhere - hedgerows and such too, and plenty to hunt, and we took it for granted that there always would be. Grandparents and their friends, Uncles, etc., all hunters and river rats. After school, went out to Oregon to work -- "Gettin' out of this chicken s--t town and aint never coming back - Get out where the dogs are barkin'. (like any young guy from a small town) Back in a couple years with new found respect for said town, and have stayed in the area since.
Tied it all and did many things well (some not so well). The few constants were hunting, shooting and woodworking - decoy carving, cabinet making, chainsaw carving - you name it. And then I tried making a gunstock --- Now can tell anyone that if they think they are a woodworker,to try making a stock and they will be humbled. Guns and carving all in one?? Can't get much better - (for me)
Getting older, and the fine hunting we once had here is a memory - (Big duck clubs are all still here for those who can afford them). Fence rows and waterways are hard to come by, let alone a pheasant, and the big flocks of ducks that used to come up from the river to work the fields in the evenings are gone (can't find much to eat on plowed ground).
Even still, will always shoot and work on guns as long as it is still legal. Have met most of the nicest folks I know through hunting and shooting - special kind of people.
As always, hoping this finds everyone well;