Operation Wetback would be a start if anyone wants to lookup what was done by IKE in the 1950's. He enforced the law. If anyone had the guts to do so today, the press and the Democratic and most of the Republican party would go nuts. Gutless wonders argue about how many ways they can make life more "fair" for those who "have not". Real leaders find out why others "have not". Men with guts tell people to get off their asses and get a job, stop thinking that casinos will balance the state budgets and that lottos will make them rich. Make something and sell it, instead of looking to the government to provide for your future.

Chuck, I agree many overpriced guns will drop in price if times get tight. After all, as many here are fond of pointing out, gun value is what a seller and buyer agree on, not some number that others set. If a man has guns that cost him 50K and he needs 35K to keep his house then I suspect the guns will suffer a 30% drop in price, if he can find a buyer with money. Real men do what they have to do to keep their families safe and housed. Not wait for some economic stimulus package from the government that will be paid by our grandchildren.