In my conversations w/ Mr. M.V. Highsmith, I learned that he once owned a W.W. Greener(I believe) single 4 bore that he goose hunted with. His story was that it was guaranteed(by whom I'll have to ask) to down a Botswana Swan(I couldn't find a pic and may be recanting incorrectly) at 120 yards w/ a 1/4 lb of shot charge. Being curious as to how much lead was involved from an empirical standpoint, I inquired as to how much lead would be needed. He leaned his head back, raised his eyebrows and said "an adequate amount". I waited in silence for what seemed like an eternity, which was actually about 2 minutes, and then pressed him on the issue wanting some quantifiable distance in chains, furlongs, yards and his only response was "oh, from about here to the fireplace." Sadly, he had long since sold the longarm.