Diggory, I have had the "Slammers" of the British Gun-Trade 'Joyfully'saying, Told you so Those Brits Just Dont Have It Anymore!!It seems there is another "Source" for this Disaster...Back in the days of No 2 Irongate Wharf,the term"Sheet Stirring"(Something like that) Would have fitted this situation! Now that you are at the Forefront'(sort of Spokesman for "All Thats British and goes Bang!), These'Colonial Chappies"..several who at the present time are sitting here in the "Museum of Perpetual Mess"...Snarfing Digestives, and sucking down pots of 'Rosie-Lee"...They are on Page#222 of your"Vintage Guns", the discussion is, of course Two Purdeys Fail at London Proof House'! Three of these'British Gun-Owners" have had their guns Re-Proofed, 2 in London, 1 at the Brm.location. I have a Dickson R/A 12b db.(Poss. 1st Single Trigger built by Dickson) Ready to be submitted to Proof by Highly Respected British Gunmaker, The Client is "All in a Dither" (He has purchased a copy of your book and is Thoroughly Impressed by your"Gained Knowledge" by someeone who is not a "Benched-Trained Gunmaker"(His Words, Not Mine) I belive he shot with"Old Man Churchill"..back when!!Please keep your'Ear-ole'at the Proof-House Door! cc/dt