I don't "know" much about solar cells, battery cars,etc. I have worked around batteries when I was a service manager in a car dealership, but that was 20 years ago and battery technology has moved a couple of light years since then. The technology has been used on cell phones, lap tops, ipods, and games.

Car batteries are about the same along with the rest of the auto parts. From what I am driving, cars have not changed much in the last 21 years. The last big improvement in mileage came with fuel injection in the 80's, and that was 40 year old technology at the time. We really are stuck in a fossil fuel based economy, and don't have the collective will to do anything about it.

I "strongly believe" we, as a country, can and should be energy self sufficient. If you watch the History channel, between wind and solar panels in the dessert we can product all the electricity we need. "Dreamer", that's me, but if I am able to build a new house in a couple of years, as is my plan, it will probably include solar panels and will definitely have a wind generator. I will be connected to the grid, but maybe I can sell them some power when the wind is really blowing.