That's odd. I used to work in an automotive electrical shop and the fumes from one battery would put of quite an odor. I can imagine if everyone on the block were charging a car load full every night. You might not smell it, but it would still be there polluting the environment. Plus, as I said, you can't get any distance with a battery charged car. What are you going to do on a cross state/ country trip? No charging stations as of yet and not in a long ways to come. And solar cells on your roof is great! But, let's see. My electric bills last year averaged out to about $70.00 per month. At a cost of at about twenty grand, it would take how many months to get my money back on the solar panel deal? And I find it odd that my neighbor across the street has solar landscaping lights to light up his yard at night and during the winter they are only on about 10% of the time. So, the theory is great, but it will be long after I'm gone before it goes anywhere. Until then, people are still going to be dreaming of the jellybean factory.