Sorry Jack, but you're trying to sell snakeoil. You refuse to list the ingredients in the bottle. In this case, you have yet to get specific about WHICH EXACT PLAN you support. Would it be Canada's, Great Britain's, France's, Sweden's? How about the plan in the old Soviet Union? They had universal health care for 70-odd years; maybe still do. And it didn't seem to work all that well for them. You're saying that there are "plans" out there (not further specified) that are better than our current American system. Now I don't know too many people that don't believe our system has problems, but you're not doing much to help us solve them. And nothing you've said to this point is of any real value at all, unless you're willing to get behind A SPECIFIC PLAN. Then you need to sell that SPECIFIC plan to a politician--preferably one running for president, or at least someone who's a major player in Congress. So . . . tell us which of the plans you've reviewed in detail you like best. Tell us why it's the best of the bunch. Then tell us why you think it will work well for the United States. Finally, tell us how much it's going to cost.