Larry, I admire the United States. I would not want to live there. Nor would you trade places with any other on earth. I think of Canada as freer, as you do your country. By our terms, we're both right. Cuba today compared to Batista's US Mafia-dominated playground provides the first freedoms the country ever had.

Your extrapolations from healthcare are similar to the one of NATO providing democracy to Kosovo. Kosovo is not a democracy. As Bosnia, another example of might is right, Kosovo will become an EU-US protectorate in practise, its governance subordinate to its protectors.There are 100,000 Serbs remaining in Kosovo.

Yes, Canadian infantry and fighter bombers had a prominent role in that deal, as a NATO member. But already there's questioning here of supporting seccesionist and irredentist movements that want to unilaterally break away, the precedence it sets for Quebecois, Catalans, Basques, Aceh, Chechnya, Kashmir etc.

Determining independence by outside force is a tricky business. I wish Kosovo well.

Do you keep your excellent coverage under a universal system? I should think it would be like elsewhere: you pay through taxes for a universal system. Those who want to pay extra into a private plan that provides Mayo, Lahey and John Hopkins, the choice is yours. Two-tier has always been that way, no?

No, you can't opt out, nor can we opt out because we don't support government policies on daycare, ATVs, gun control, public broadcasting, carbon taxes, abortion, same-sex, the war in Afghanistan or our military exchange commitments with our allies. Imagine the consequences of US opting out on the war in Iraq.

Canadians think of medicare as part of their citizenship.

Regards, King

Last edited by King Brown; 02/20/08 11:58 PM.