Originally Posted By: GunPlumber
...who ever wins intends to force feed us National Health Care. National Health Care sounds like a good idea, but they fail to discuss how and who will pay for it (Most likely, you and me).

Can't help laughing at this!

Right now, under the management of private health insurance companies, we Americans have higher infant mortality, lower life expectancy, fewer people covered, and pay twice as much per capita for health care as any other major industrial nation. For this, we're ranked 37th in the world by the World Health Organization.

Oh, yeah, we Americans have to pay twice as much money for US-made pharmaceuticals as everyone else, too. Administrative costs for America's multiplicity of private health plans eat up 1 out of 4 health care dollars - 3 times as much as Medicare or the VA. Ironically, the national health plans proposed by Hillary and Obama will perpetuate the HMO stranglehold on America's health care!

Although the Spaniards and French and Germans and Brits and Italians enjoy better health care outcomes today at half the cost, we Americans have been suckered into believing that national health care doesn't work. P.T.Barnum sure had us pegged!

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