Will, since time began, the Dems have had a reputation for "eating their young". Unfortunately, a bunch of rightwing blabbermouths (aka talk show hosts) are trying to convince the Republicans that's a good idea. I'm suspicious that some of them may be counting on better ratings for their shows if a Dem wins in Nov. Personally, although McCain was not my candidate of choice to start with, I'm doing my best to keep the cowboys on the ranch.

But I have to point out more than a bit of hyperbole in your post. I don't blame FDR for Pearl Harbor, even though we had far better reason to be prepared for that attack than we did for 9/11. Blaming Bush for 9/11 falls into the same category. Iraq . . . you can certainly blame him for that. But Clinton was president for nearly 2 1/2 years after AQ attacked our embassies in Africa, and what did he do about them? Had his counterterrorism point man, Richard Clarke, tell the Bush Administration "this is a threat you really need to worry about". Maybe he was more worried about Monica. And Katrina . . . now you're blaming Bush for the weather? Let's see, Iowa had the worst floods in its history in 1993. Clinton came, tossed a sandbag, bagged a photo op. Analysis: Dems cause floods, Republicans cause hurricanes. But Al Gore . . . he invented global warming.