Three shots stand out over the 40 years or so I've been hunting, all lucky!

I was duck hunting with my dad and uncle, using a 10 gauge with 2 7/8" shells, probably about 16-17 years old! Both were great shots and not prone to sky-busting.

A high flyer came by, which they pronounced was too high. Being on the far end of the blind, I pulled the 10 up, took the shot and folded the bird. They had diverted their attention to some other birds, and were surprised as could be that I had shot. I think they were going to scold me for such a foolish shot, but when they saw the bird drop, what could they say!

Another was a shot at a coyote, running full tilt! I paced that off at about 215 yds.

A couple of buddies and I were out shooting ground squirrels with our 22's. I had just bought a Model 28 S&W 357 and had it along. One squirrel kept popping up out of it's hole about 70 yds out and my friends kept missing. About the third or fourth missed shot, I pulled the 357 out and commented "Let me show you how it's done!" When it popped out again, I took an offhand shot at it. Although I didn't show it; much to my surprise, it started to flop around and was dead by the time we walked up to get it. I had to let them believe I was fairly good with the 357. The funny thing was, I was shooting it outside my folks' house a few days earlier and couldn't hit squat.

Cameron Hughes