Well there you go...thank you for spelling out exactly what your motivations were when you typed your second last post...to qoute yourself..."are you just miffed that someone finally got around to calling you on your overblown pomposity?" (is that really what you imagined yourself doing as you typed?)

You see...you had no intentions of discussing the gun in question...you had some other agenda to play out..."calling me" out on your own projected character flaw... you were so bent on you're mission of character attack, that you couldn't even take time to correctly read my post...so you just went ahead and based your agruement on a misquote....

What gives here Larry? What's really bothering you? Does is upset you that I mentioned the imagined pecking order? Do you think that it's alright when you (admittedly) make a post that is designed to pick a fight, rather than accurately discuss the topic? Are there special rules for the guys who think they are top of this imagined pecking order?

Even you, the self appointed authority on Belgian guns can't post a photo of a Belgian Deeley latch...it's not that they aren't out there, they're just very uncommon.

That guy was lying like a rug...AND YOU KNOW IT...but the pecking order is more important to you than truth or accuracy. Sorry Larry, historical accuracy is more important to me, and that is why I say that your accusation of "overblown pomposity" is actually a projection of your character flaw not mine. I have many of my own, please keep yours to yourself.

Also, other members threads are for discussing their subject...if you have any more emotional baggage to play out, please start a separate thread...