Well now XC to get back to your question, I read all the multi-pages on that balance thread & don't really recall anyone stating the gun should "Balance" at the trigger. I do recall a very knowledgable poster saying he recommended "Measuring" the balance point from the trigger rather than the hinge pin, as the trigger is in a much more constant location in regards to ones hand than is the hinge pin, which of course varys acording to type of action (length of bar). If a short action boxlock & long action sidelock for instance both balamced "At the Hinge" they would have a totally diferent feel. On the other hand if they both balanced at the "Same Distance Forward" of the trigger (front in case of two) they would have a much more consistent feel. Amazing anyone has been succesful enough to be able to afford a 130K shotgun without being able to decipher reading. Tell your clients to learn basic reading skills before teling you how to build their shotguns.
Signed a "Redneck Hillbilly" but even I know how to read.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra