I am generally against censorship or deleting Threads here, but this idea that a man only needs two shotguns is dangerous in the extreme!

Just imagine the damage and hardship that might ensue if some woman did an A.I. search to determine how many guns a man really needs, and this idea came up as a result. Something like that would spread like wildfire among women, and they would all start nagging us to sell off excess shotguns.

I've tried to come up with some rational explanation for why you might post this Lloyd, and the best I can come up with is that you were either doing some really heavy drinking, or you are posting a late April Fool's Day prank. What ever it is, I'm betting that we won't be seeing you get rid of all but two 12 gauge guns.

This isn't quite as crazy as the nutty idea that it is OK for a gun owner to vote Democrat, but it's getting close.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.