Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Originally Posted by canvasback
There are now a pair of bald eagles nesting in downtown Toronto, the centre of a 7 million person metro area. Fifth biggest in NA.

For many years my father had a 15 acre island on Lake of the Woods.There was an eagles nest on the southern part. We weren’t allowed by the government to do anything on the southern half of his island for fear of disturbing the eagles. This despite the fact that eagles have been commonplace at LOTW for 40 years. Another pair built a nest at eye level from a friends deck atop a 45’ cliff. The nest was 60 feet away and we could see into it. Every year we’d watch a new hatch grow. But the wizards thought eagles can’t manage proximity to human activity.

In many cases the biologists and what we call the MNR don’t have a clue about what is really going on. I’m with Chief. Provide irrefutable evidence of no harm from lead and it won’t change policy one iota. Because it’s not about what they say it’s about.

Besides, everyone with eyes and a brain knows they’ve been lying to us about the spread of cougars eastward from the Rockies.

Biologists do not make policy.

What is the cougar conspiracy?

Not much point having a conversation when you pretend not to know what I’m talking about.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia